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"According to the former members of the Brotherhood, Kalugal, Dalhu, and Lokan, the Doomers rarely send out teams smaller than twelve, and that's probably the number of immortals we will face. But they are also very likely to be aided by a large cartel militia."

The mention of the cartel tightened the muscles in Dagor's jaw. "The humans are nothing," he spat. "The three of us could obliterate them on our own."

Aru chuckled. "Indeed. But even we can be brought down with enough bullets. The ship is well stocked with weapons, and I'm not talking about handguns. We are not trained in what they have, and we need to get in a few practice shots before we get to Acapulco to familiarize ourselves with the weapons. We don't know yet whether they will be waiting for us at the dock or if we will need to go after them. If it's the second option, half the force will stay on the ship to defend it, including Toven, who is the strongest compeller the clan has. We should decide who stays and who goes as well."

Dagor didn't need to think this through. "You need to stay."

Aru frowned. "Why? Don't you have faith in my fighting abilities?"

Dagor snorted. "We trained together. I know precisely what you can and cannot do. Your fighting skills are mediocre at best, but you can talk yourself out of tight spots. You are the one who’s communicating with the commander, and you are good at spinning tales. If Negal or I have to explain why you are unavailable to answer his call, it won't end well."

"Good point." Aru rubbed a hand over his jaw. "I'll stay."

"When and where do we practice with the weapons?" Negal asked.

"I wasn't told yet. I'm waiting for further instructions."


Frankie sensed that Dagor wasn't in bed with her even before she was fully awake. It was a feeling of something missing, something essential that she couldn't live without.

He could have been in the living room or maybe taking a shower, but she knew he wasn't anywhere in the cabin.

It was odd, to say the least. It was disconcerting.

She had lived for twenty-seven years without Dagor and hadn't felt like anything or anyone was missing from her life, but now, only a few days after meeting him, he had become so important to her, so vital, that she felt a sense of loss when he wasn't near.

Did all people in love feel that way?

It was scary to become so dependent on someone.

Opening her eyes, she confirmed that he really wasn't there. Some part of her hoped that she'd been wrong, and she would find him asleep next to her.

Dagor had promised to be with her until the ship reached Acapulco, and even when it did, it wasn't certain that he and his teammates would join the Guardians going to shore. He might stay with her.

There was no way seven hours had passed already, and the ship had arrived at Acapulco. Besides, given the swaying, the ship was still en route.

So where was Dagor?

Suddenly, panic seized Frankie. What if something had come up, and he'd left the ship early?

Perhaps Kian had decided that there was a faster way to reach Acapulco and he'd hired helicopters to take a team to shore?

Or maybe they had used the lifeboats?

Could it be that the smaller boats could get there faster?

Frankie had no clue.

Snatching her phone off the nightstand, she was relieved to confirm that less than two hours had passed since they had returned to her cabin, and there was also a message from Dagor.

Frankie smiled. He'd remembered what she'd told him about leaving while she slept. She clicked on the message, and as she read it, her smile grew wider with every word.

Dagor felt the same way she did. He was addicted to her, couldn't stand being away from her, and counted the seconds until they were together again.

Well, he hadn't used those precise words, but his meaning was clear.

The only thing missing to make things perfect between them was her turning immortal. Perhaps now that Dagor was busy, she could use the time to meet up with a few of the recently transitioned Dormants and ask them about their experience.
