Page 101 of Never Mine to Hold

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How is this really happening?

My head continues to spin, trying to play mental catchup.

It all feels surreal.

A thick lump of emotion settles in the middle of my throat, making it impossible to speak.

“I’ve always loved you. Even when you didn’t love me back.”

Another tear treks down my face. I need him to understand what’s in my heart. “I love you more than anything. More than life itself.”

“Stop it, angel. Your tears are killing me.” He drags me on top of him until I’m straddling his naked chest. My pussy is splayed wide against all those thick slabs of muscle. That’s all it takes for a shiver of awareness to dance down my spine as I shift. It’s quickly followed by a tidal wave of arousal that’s almost enough to blot out my grief.

When a whimper escapes from me and I squirm around, trying to find more of the delicious friction that sends shockwaves zipping through every nerve ending, his hands tighten around my hips to hold me in place as his eyes spark with heat.

“You’re so damn beautiful. Especially with that expression filling your eyes. The one that tells me you need to be fucked.”

My teeth scrape against my lower lip as I arch. That’s when I realize it wouldn’t take much to come.

With a groan, he moves beneath me. “I love the way you soak my chest.”

His hands slide upward before tightening around my waist. Before I can question what he’s doing, he lifts me up. His biceps bulge with the movement and if that isn’t sexy, I don’t know what is. I get the feeling he could bench press a small vehicle if he wanted.

My fingers tighten around his forearms in an attempt to balance myself as I’m hoisted in the air and set gently down on his mouth. His green eyes glow as they hold mine captive from below.

“Now you’re exactly where I want you.”

Even though I can’t see the lower portion of his face, I hear the sexy smirk woven through his deep voice.

I release a shaky exhalation as his tongue slides deep inside my pussy. Pleasure explodes in my core before fanning outward. I can’t help but widen my thighs, needing more of what only he can give me.

There’s no way another man could satisfy me the way he does.

His hands stay locked around my waist, the fingers curling into my bare flesh, as he continues to lick and nibble. As much as I want to bow my spine, stretching my taut muscles, I don’t.

I can’t look away from the heady mixture of heat and tenderness that floods his eyes as he continues tonguing my shuddering softness.

That expression alone is enough to trip my pulse until I see stars.

No one has ever stared at me with so much love and adoration.

What makes it even more special is that it’s Wolf.

The boy I was secretly in love with my entire childhood.

A moan escapes from me as he continues to eat at my flesh. There’s nothing frenzied about his movements.

He breaks away long enough to ask, “Are you ready to come for me, angel?”

“Yes,” I say with a needy whimper as my muscles turn whipcord tight. “Please.”

“I love the sound of that word falling from your lips.”

“Please. Please. Please.”

He spears his tongue deep inside me before nibbling at my clit.

That must be the magic combination because I splinter apart while riding his face. The feel of his soft lips along with the shadow that covers his jaw is ridiculously delicious. His hands slide upward from my waist to my breasts. With nimble fingers, he tugs and pulls at the hard little nipples as an orgasm tears through my body.
