Page 109 of Never Mine to Hold

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My cousin and I share a look before she snuggles against her boyfriend. I love seeing her so happy.


Those thoughts are enough to have my gaze shifting back to Wolf.

Not once did I ever think we’d speak again, much less get together. No matter how much I longed for this when I was a teenager, those fantasies crumbled to dust after the car crash. The crazy part is that all the years sitting between us have melted away like snow in the springtime.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he whispers, warm breath feathering across the outer shell of my ear. It sends a delicate shiver dancing down my spine. I’m still getting used to the way he affects me.

“Just that I really missed you being in my life.”

His expression turns sober. “You know that I feel the same, right?”

I nod.

He’s been very clear about his feelings for me. There haven’t been any of the usual games people our age play. With Wolf, there never were. Not where I was concerned. When I think back to our youth, I realize that his intentions were always there.

I was just too naïve to recognize them.

Just as he brushes his lips across mine, Sully lumbers onto the stage and raises his hands to be heard over the laughter and chatter that hums around us.

He brings the microphone to his lips. “Our boys brought home another win tonight!” He searches the thick crowd before pointing to Wolf. “In large part to our talented goalie!”

Applause and catcalls break out, vibrating off the walls.

A reluctant smile lifts Wolf’s lips as he gives him a nod of acknowledgment but nothing more. Unlike some of his teammates, he’s never been one to soak up the accolades and bask in the attention.

Even when he has every right to do so.

He played an amazing game tonight. Everyone seated around me couldn’t stop talking about it. He was like an unstoppable brick wall. Nothing got past him.

And I couldn’t be prouder.

“Get up here, Westerville. You’re starting us off tonight!”

Wolf shakes his head and pitches his voice just loud enough to be heard over the dull roar of the crowd. “Nah, that’s all right. I prefer to watch the show rather than be part of it.”

Everyone gets in on the action, hounding and harassing until he finally grumbles, “Fine.”

His fingers tighten around my waist as he lifts me to my feet before rising to his.

With a quick kiss pressed against my lips, he whispers, “This one’s for you, angel.”

And then he’s gone, parting the sea of people like Moses as he makes his way to the stage. As soon as Wolf jumps onto the platform, Sully throws an arm around his shoulders like he just found his long-lost son.

It’s kind of adorable.

The older bar owner has so much genuine affection for the hockey players and the Wildcats program. I used to think it was because he was trying to live vicariously through the younger guys but it’s so much more than that. It goes back to them all being one big family.

Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat.

Even though Wolf’s placid expression never falters, I realize that he doesn’t enjoy the limelight. When his gaze settles on mine, I blow him a kiss. From across the space that separates us, I see the way his eyes darken with need and a little thrill shoots through me knowing that I’m the one he’ll be taking home at the end of the night.

Sully says something in his ear that I’m unable to hear before clapping him heartily on the shoulder and handing off the microphone. Wolf swings around to pick out a piece of music. He flips through the list on the computer screen before choosing a song and returning to the stage. As soon as the first notes of the guitar riff fill the air, recognition slams into me, making the tiny hairs on my arm prickle with awareness.

Wolf’s attention stays locked on mine as he holds the microphone to his mouth. His tongue darts out to moisten his lips as the instrumental continues and the crowd quiets to a hush. The drums come in, joining the guitar, and adding to the harmony, as he croons the lyrics of ‘Maps’ by Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs just like he used to when we were teenagers.

My heart constricts as I realize he’s pouring out his heart for everyone to witness.
