Page 117 of Never Mine to Hold

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“It’s been five years since we lost Miles and neither of you have healed. Your pain is as fresh as it was the night it happened. Don’t you think it’s time to change that?” Fallyn’s gaze shifts to me. “The first step in the process is to stop blaming Wolf. No matter what you want to believe, Miles loved him, and he wouldn’t want you to blame his best friend for something that was a tragic accident. And he wouldn’t want you to live like this either. Both of you need to find a way to heal and move on. This isn’t healthy for any of us. And I can’t do it anymore. I won’t.”

Tears prick Hugo’s eyes as he attempts to blink them away. In this moment, he looks every day of his fifty years.

“You need to accept that I’m with Wolf because that isn’t going to change.” Fallyn reaches out and wraps her fingers around Hugo’s hand before giving it a squeeze. “I don’t want to lose either one of you. Please don’t make me choose.”

Eleanor’s shoulders continue to quake with emotion.

Only then does Fallyn untangle herself from her mother and step back toward me until she’s able to slip an arm around my waist and lean against my chest. I can’t resist dropping a kiss against the crown of her head. No matter what I was expecting to happen, this wasn’t it.

I couldn’t be more humbled by what she’s willing to sacrifice for me.

And our love.

My other hand settles beneath her chin before tipping it upward until our gazes can lock and hold.

I search her eyes carefully, looking for any shred of doubt. “Are you sure about this?”

Her lips lift into a radiant smile as she nods. “I am. I love you.”

Emotion fills my heart, making it feel as if it’ll burst from the intense pressure. Never in my life have I felt anything like it before.

And I know without a shadow of a doubt that I’ll never experience anything like it again.

“I love you too, angel.”

Chapter 38


Wolf pulls the Mustang to the curb in front of the house before cutting the engine. For a moment, I stare at the white sign that dots the front yard. A pang of sadness fills me to see my childhood home up for sale. But ultimately, the change is needed and will be good for everyone. It’s something my parents should have done a long time ago.

All three of us need a clean break from the past.

With one squeeze of my fingers, Wolf draws my attention back to him. “You still doing all right over there?”

I smile, surprised that it doesn’t feel forced. “Actually, I am. I’d thought seeing the house would be more upsetting. Instead, I’m relieved. It’s time for everyone to move on. Instead of living in the past, we need to look forward to the future and everything that lies ahead.”

He nods as his gaze shifts to the brick mansion that looms in front of us.

“Ready to head inside?”

When I slide the brand-new license from the pocket of my jeans, a smile flashes across his face as he slips his hand around the nape of my neck and tugs me closer. The warmth of his lips glide over mine before he pulls away just enough to say, “I’m so proud of you, angel.”

I’m proud of myself for conquering my fears and learning to drive. I passed my test last week with flying colors.

After one last lingering kiss, we exit the vehicle before meeting on the curb and walking up the concrete pathway that cuts through the snow-covered lawn. Not bothering to knock on the front door, I throw open the thick wood and step inside the grand foyer. There’s an ocean of brown packing boxes stacked everywhere. For a second time, I steel myself for the inevitable wave of sorrow to crash over me but there’s nothing except relief.

We find Mom and Dad in the living room, wrapping up old, framed family photos.

I take a minute to glance around the empty space. “Wow. It really looks different in here.”


Not only that but it feels lighter. As if all the sadness has been stripped away.

Mom straightens before looking around. A small puff of air escapes from her as she agrees with the sentiment. “We held a sale last week and sold a lot of furniture we won’t need for the new house. Did Dad mention that the new owners are paying us extra to be out by the end of the week?”

I shake my head before glancing at my father. He’s dressed in faded jeans and an old T-shirt from his alma mater.
