Page 119 of Never Mine to Hold

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Dad shifts, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I took it out for a spin last week and then dropped it off at the mechanic to make sure everything was running smoothly. They changed the oil and checked all the fluids. They said it was in great shape and shouldn’t give you any trouble.”

I blink away the hot sting of tears that fill my eyes as I step closer and trail my fingers over the red paint. Miles loved this car so much. It was his baby. Dad bought it for him when he was fifteen years old, and my brother spent all his spare time working on it.

There were so many hours I sat in here with Miles and Wolf while they joked around with each other. Once Miles turned sixteen and passed his driver’s exam, it unlocked a whole new level of freedom for the three of us.

“You want me to drive the Porsche back to school, angel?” Wolf asks, thumbing away a tear and drawing my attention back to the present.

“No. I’d like to do it myself.”

More like I need to do it myself.

He doesn’t argue. “Okay. I’ll grab the boxes from inside and be right behind you.”

“Thank you.”

My hands tremble as I slide behind the wheel and turn the key in the ignition. The engine purrs to life and I glance at my parents to find that, like me, they’re trying to hold their emotions in check.

But it’s hard.

Even though it’s time we all move on with our lives, that doesn’t mean it’s easily accomplished.

Wolf kisses me one last time before I wave to my parents. It’s gently that I press the clutch and shift into first gear. As soon as I accelerate, the engine revs and the vehicle shoots out of the garage. I draw in a deep breath, attempting to calm the nerves that skitter across my skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake.

At the end of the long drive, I pause and glance one way, then the other before shifting again into first and turning toward Western’s campus. As I pick up speed and my nerves begin to settle, I turn on the radio. ‘Best Day of My Life’ by American Authors fills the small cabin. Memories of Miles cranking up the volume and us sing-shouting the lyrics at each other swamp me.

For years afterward, I couldn’t bear to hear the song. But this time, I turn it up and belt out the lyrics. Instead of bringing me sadness the way it used to, my heart fills with joy because I feel my brother sitting beside me, smiling that the people he loved most have finally found peace.

Chapter 39


“It’s already been a couple of days. When are you going to show me the new tattoo? I’m dying to see the artwork you decided on.” Fallyn sticks her lower lip out in a pout. “I don’t understand why you’re being so secretive about it.”

I roll my eyes and suppress the grin attempting to break loose. I don’t think I’ve smiled so much as I have in the past couple weeks. It’s taken some getting used to. More than that, I feel a million pounds lighter. And that has everything to do with the girl at my side.

The one I love more than anything.

“I wanted it to heal up a bit before I showed you. It’s not really that big of a deal.” I yank the T-shirt over my head and toss it onto the bed. “Why don’t you do the honors?”

Her face lights up with a smile. “Really?”

Her exuberance is infectious, and a chuckle tumbles from my lips. “Yeah. Have at it.”

She steps closer before her fingers flutter to the edges of the bandage. Her gaze flickers to mine in question. “Are you sure it’s healed?”

“Yup.” A large pit settles at the bottom of my belly as air stalls in my lungs.

At the time, this had seemed like a good idea.

Now, however?

I’m not so sure.

Maybe it’s too early to think along these lines and I’m jumping the gun. All I know is that I want this.

Just like I want her.

I need to know Fallyn feels the same way.
