Page 34 of Never Mine to Hold

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Chapter 14


I lean back against the chair before bringing the bottle of beer to my lips and taking a long swallow. My gaze stays fastened to Fallyn as she shadows the other waitress. Even in the darkness of the bar, I can see guys rubber necking when she walks by, checking out her ass. A few have even been ballsy enough to approach, attempting to shoot their shot. The flash of smile that appears across her face is a gut punch. That’s all it takes for jealousy to eat away at my insides. It’s all I can do not to jump out of my chair and stalk over there. Punching one of these assholes in the face would be so damn satisfying.

I crack my knuckles in an effort to alleviate the growing pressure.

I want to hoard all of her smiles and the girl will barely give me the time of day.

It feels like a lifetime ago when she’d watch me as if I personally hung the moon and stars in the sky just for her.

And I loved it.

Reveled in her adoration.

I remember Miles joking around that I could always marry Fallyn when we were older, and then I’d truly be his brother. I might have rolled my eyes at the time, but the innocuous idea took root and grew from there.

That’s when I knew I’d marry Fallyn DiMarco and be part of their family forever.

After that day, she became mine. I watched out for her even more than normal. When she needed something, I made sure that I was the one who took care of it. And I protected her when Miles wasn’t around to do it. In every way that mattered, Fallyn belonged to me.

During hockey season, she’d wear her brother’s jersey for one game and mine the next. I always played better when she was sitting in the stands with my name and number stamped across her back, cheering me on.

My mind conjures up an image of the first time I saw Fallyn in a bikini at the pool the summer she turned fifteen. I hadn’t been able to get out of the water because my dick had been so damn hard. After that, it was impossible to look at her the same way.

I thought about kissing her a hundred times but never dared.

I didn’t want to start something when her parents wouldn’t allow her to date.

But then, a month before her sixteenth birthday, the crash occurred.

And Miles died.

Fallyn was in the hospital for more than a week. After that, Hugo and Eleanor yanked her from the public school we attended and sent her to a small, private academy on the other side of town.

Life as I knew it was blown apart.

Never to be the same again.

And now, here she is.

After years spent apart, our worlds have once again collided. And I’m not about to let her go.

Not for a second time.

Not ever.

At two o’clock on the dot, the final song of the evening is played, and then the lights are flicked on. Most of the crowd has thinned. All the guys who are wifed up took off earlier. Colby has his arms wrapped around two girls as Hayes attempts to charm a puck bunny who’s been flirting with him all night into making him a decision she’ll no doubt regret in the morning. Maverick gives me a chin lift before taking off alone.

Sully hefts himself up onto the makeshift stage and says in a booming voice, “It’s closing time! You know what that means! You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.”

A few boos go up as the bouncers clear out the place. One of them tips his chin at me as he herds drunk customers toward the exit. Fallyn shoots a glare in my direction as she helps Erin clear glasses from the tables before wiping down the tops. It takes about twenty minutes to clean up and then count out the tips. Fallyn beams when Erin gives her a fat stack of bills before shoving them into her front pocket.

Even though exhaustion creeps across her features, she’s no longer scowling. If I had to guess, I’d say she probably forgot I was waiting around to take her home. She says goodnight to everyone before taking a step toward the backdoor. One glance in my direction, and she falters before straightening her shoulders and dragging her attention away.

I wave to the crew before silently trailing after her. If Sully thinks it’s odd that she didn’t bother to acknowledge my presence, he doesn’t comment.

Which is for the best.
