Page 50 of Never Mine to Hold

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“Oh.” Damn. All I can think about is getting away from him before anything else happens. “I, um, was thinking that you could just drop?—”

“I came straight from hockey practice. I’m starving. Any moment, my stomach is going to eat itself.”

As if to punctuate those comments, his belly lets loose a loud growl.

Guilt suffuses me. “Sure.”

I almost wince as the word pops free.

Unable to help myself, I glance at his lap to see if he’s still hard.


The sound of his rough voice jerks my attention back to his. The smirk curving the edges of his lips tells me that my perusal didn’t go unnoticed.

That’s all it takes for heat to scald my cheeks.

Just kill me now.

“What?” I squeak.

“I asked if you wanted to go to Harvey’s Eats and Treats. It’s a little out of the way on the edge of town, but they’ve got the best burgers.”

“Sure,” I mumble, not caring where we go. I just want to get this over with. “Whatever you want.”

The remainder of the ride is made in stifling silence, both of us lost in the whirl of our own thoughts. Just when I’m about to tell him that I’ve changed my mind, he pulls the Mustang into a crowded parking lot.

The place looks like a retro fifties diner.

“You’ll like it. The atmosphere is fun, and the food is pretty good.”

We exit the car, and Wolf waits for me on the sidewalk before heading toward the entrance. Once we reach the door, he holds it open. My gaze slides over the space. I realize that my first impression wasn’t wrong.

It’s like stepping back in time.

The floor has black and white checkered tiles, and the ceiling is covered with shiny silver tin. Framed photographs of old Hollywood stars interspersed with Coca-Cola memorabilia decorate the walls. The booths are bright red leather with shiny white linoleum tops. Music from decades ago pours through the speakers.

We slide into a red vinyl booth at the back of the restaurant, away from the crowd. With another glance around the space, I realize that there are a lot of teenagers. They’re talking and laughing. Flirting with one another. My mind unconsciously tumbles back to high school when the three of us used to hang out at a place with a similar vibe.

I haven’t been back since…

Well, let’s just say that it’s been a while.

A thick lump of emotion swells in my throat. It takes effort to clear it away as I pick up the oversized plastic menu and stare sightlessly at it.

“How did you find this place?” I ask, trying to distract myself from the memories that push in at the edges of my brain.

It’s not close to campus at all.

Wolf watches me carefully before shrugging. Ripping his eyes away, he glances around the bustling space. “It kind of reminds me of?—”

“Sinclare’s,” I finish quietly.

With a nod, his expression sobers. “Yeah. I found it freshman year. It was kind of nice to come here and get away from campus. Anytime I crave a burger, I swing by.”

It’s almost a relief when a young girl who looks like she’s probably still in high school stops by our table. She’s wearing a pale pink retro waitress uniform that clings to her curves.

One glance at the guy seated across from me has her upping the wattage of her smile until it’s blinding. “Hey, Wolf! Haven’t seen you around for a couple of weeks. How’s the season going? We’ve all been rooting for you.”
