Page 78 of Never Mine to Hold

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Air gets trapped in my lungs, making it impossible to breathe as I wait for his reaction. My brain reels as I stare at Wolf. It’s almost impossible to reconcile that it’s been him all along.

Is this something he does often?

Buys virgins?

The thought sickens me, and bile rises in my throat.

My attention stays locked on him as he swallows up the distance and settles at the end of the bed between my spread thighs. Any moment my heart will explode from my chest before thrashing around on the hardwood floor as a fresh wave of nerves crashes over me.

I steel myself as he reaches out and slides his fingers from my ankle to my knee. Even though it’s tempting to squirm beneath his gentle touch, I force myself to remain perfectly still. Just when I think his hand will drift higher, it glides back down to my ankle.

Tremors rack my body as his heated gaze flickers to mine before returning to the V between my thighs.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” The hunger lurking in his eyes has them turning shades darker. “You know that?”

I shake my head and press my lips together. If I try to speak, it’ll come out sounding more like a squeak.

“Well, you are.”

This time when his fingers glide upward, they don’t stop at my knee. They inch higher until the soft pads graze the delicate skin of my inner thigh. My teeth sink into my lower lip in an effort to keep the whimper of arousal trapped inside where it belongs. I don’t want him to realize how much he affects me.

His movements stall for a second or two before he uses his other hand to press my thighs wider. Never have I felt so exposed in my life. Even during our previous two encounters. With the blindfold covering my eyes, blotting out the world around me, I could almost trick myself into believing that what we were doing was hidden away in the darkness, and the man touching me couldn’t inspect me with such thoroughness.

It's no longer possible to believe that lie.

Not when he’s sitting in front of me, staring so intently.

What I can’t deny is the worshipful expression on his face as he drags his thumb across my slit. That’s all it takes for sensation to burst in my core before fanning outward to the very tips of my fingers and toes. He gently spreads my lips before swaying closer. When I squirm beneath the intensity of his stare, he glances at me as if to gauge my reaction.

His voice drops a few octaves, turning gruff. “Did you like it when I touched you before?”

I press my lips together, refusing to give him anything more than what I already have.

Eyes locked on mine, he slowly strums my flesh again. Delicious sensation ripples throughout my being and a reluctant response erupts from me. “Yes!”

My breath catches when his thumb drifts upward, and he rubs soft circles against my clit. “What about when I licked you?”

The avalanche of pleasure is enough to make my eyes cross. “I liked it.”

He tilts his head. “No one else has ever touched you like this?”

I can’t help but arch into his hand, unconsciously seeking out more delicious sensation. “No. Never.”

A puff of air escapes from him as he refocuses his attention on my pussy. “I can’t say that I’m not happy about that, but you shouldn’t have allowed the scar on your chest to hold you back.” His gaze collides with mine again as he presses one finger into my softness until he’s buried knuckle deep. “You’re so damn gorgeous, Fallyn.” His eyes darken as he remains perfectly still. “I can feel how tight you are. Do you have any idea how fucking sexy that is?”

It's a potent combination of his gruff voice, the words coming out of his mouth, and the feel of his finger inside my heated body where no other man has been that leaves me squirming.

“Please.” The word escapes before I can stuff it back inside.

“Please what? Tell me what you want.”

He tosses out the question as his finger retreats until only the tip remains pressed against my entrance. My inner muscles contract, desperate for the same delicious fullness. Before I can say anything, he surges forward again.

I groan as pleasure crashes over me. “You bought my virginity.” My tongue flicks out to wet my lips as I force myself to say, “I want you to take it.”

His green eyes spark with so much heat that it’s almost a surprise when I don’t burst into flames. He withdraws before pressing back inside.

“You’re right, I did. But it doesn’t need to be this afternoon. We can wait.”
