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I go back to meet my friends who are still sitting quietly none touching their drinks, they are all now staring at me as I step in. “Did any of you know that she was going to be here?”

I can’t help feeling being set up, because how come Jewel just showed up all of a sudden when they were asking about my relationship with her?

“No.” they all answer at the same time.

“You don’t think that we set you up, do you?” Emily asks.

“Did you?”

“Of course not! Why would we want to do a thing like that to you?”

I blow out a deep breath ruffling my hair as I reach for my phone which is on the chair that I had been sitting on. “I need to go.”

When I get downstairs to the car park, Jewel isn’t there. It’s as if she appeared and then disappeared. I reach for my phone and ring her driver and when he picks, he says that Jewel decided to drive herself and had given him the day off.

I try reaching her on phone but it keeps going straight to voicemail. I quickly send her a text telling her how sorry I am and that if she would please give me time to explain things, but I get no response from her.

Jewel’s POV

As I walk away from the rooftop lounge, my heart feels heavy, burdened by Kyle's hurtful words. I can't believe he said those things about our relationship, about us. I thought we were building something real, but his words shattered that illusion. It stings, and I can't bear the thought of people knowing that our marriage is nothing more than a charade.

I make my way down to the car park, my steps heavy and my mind racing with thoughts of Kyle. It's difficult to process the fact that he doesn't love me. After all, we've been through together, all the moments we've shared. It's painful to think that it was just an act for him.

The pain that I feel in my chest is indescribable and it hurts so bad it feels like my heart is being shattered into a thousand pieces.

When Kyle called to tell me that he would be stopping by to have drinks with his friends at their usual rooftop bar. I decided to come join them, I’m friends with his friends as well and I thought it would be fun for us all to hang out together.

So, I got dressed and decided to go down to the bar, but little did I know that I was in for a shocker.

Reaching the car, I decide to take a different path tonight. I don't want to go back to our home, our shared space that no longer feels like a sanctuary. Instead, I crave an escape, something to help me forget the hurtful words I overheard.

I remember passing by a nightclub a few blocks away from our home, and without a second thought, I decide to go there. The thumping music, dimly lit atmosphere, and the anonymity of the crowd seem like the perfect remedy for my wounded heart.

The nightclub is already alive and vibrant when I arrive. The bass reverberates through the floor, and colorful lights dance across the room. The crowd, a mix of people from all walks oflife, sways to the beat, each lost in their own world of music and movement.

I make my way to the bar and order a cocktail, something strong to numb the pain. The bartender slides a glass in front of me, and I take a long sip. The alcohol burns on the way down, providing a momentary escape from my thoughts.

As I stand at the bar, I observe the people around me. Couples lost in the embrace of the music, groups of friends celebrating, and individuals like me seeking solace in the anonymity of the nightclub. The music is so loud that I can feel the bass thumping in my chest, matching the erratic beat of my own heart.

I'm determined to lose myself in the rhythm, to forget the words Kyle said, even if just for a while. I move to the dance floor and join the undulating mass of bodies. With every move, I push the pain and heartache deeper, replacing them with the sensation of freedom.

The music pulses through me, and I close my eyes, letting it wash over me. I sway and dance, moving in harmony with the music and the strangers around me. In this moment, I'm not a wife who's been hurt, but just another person seeking escape.

The night goes on, and I continue to dance, losing track of time and my surroundings. The music becomes a blur of sound and sensation. For a brief moment, I forget about Kyle, about our complicated situation, and I feel free.

But as the night wears on, the alcohol and the dancing start to take their toll. I find a quiet corner to catch my breath, my heart still heavy with the truth I can't escape. Kyle doesn't love me, and I need to come to terms with that reality.

As I sit there, my phone buzzes with a message from Kyle, a text apologizing and asking for time to explain. I read it, but I can't bring myself to respond. I need space to process everything, to figure out where we stand.

In the dimly lit corner of the nightclub, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to find solace in the chaos of the night. Despite the hurt, I know that I can't run away from the truth forever. The pain will still be there when the music stops and the night comes to an end.

Chapter 15


One week later.

“Jewel, are you sure everything is alright?”

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