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“Oh yeah, big time.”

“Is Zane here? I need to talk to him about a few things.” I asked and Courtney’s look turned to one of suspicion. She knew I hardly talked to Zane if I could help it. Everyone did.

“He’s here, in his normal booth. Why?” She asked, a whole lot of questioning in her voice.

“Business related.” I explained, which was mostly true. She nodded, accepting the answer, because it was the only answer that made sense. Zane was not a friendly guy and he was the one guy here with more power than me, only because he was the owner of the establishment. He had an agreement with my father that if they left each other alone, they wouldn’t go to war and they would help each other out when needed. The moment that truce went out the window, there would be a hell of a firefight. Neither Zane nor my father wanted that kind of a battle so they did their best to keep the truce.

This meant any time I had to speak with Zane, it meant I had a business-related message from my father, seeing as I spent a lot of time here and Zane liked me more than he liked my father. Not that that was a hard thing to accomplish. Zane and my father were almost the same person, which meant they didn’t get along at all, mostly because they couldn’t establish dominance over the other; they were too evenly matched.

“Gotchya,” Courtney said and tilted her head to the right. I looked over in that direction to see the booth Zane claimed as his. All the other decor in the place was dark. The furnishings were black, the stages were black, and the curtains covering the booths were dark reds or dark purples, but Zane’s booth had gold curtains with shining sequins sewn into the fabric. “He’s where he always is. I don’t think he’s with anyone of importance either. Would you like me to send your usual over there?”

I glared at her and she smiled. She was referring to one of the dancers who I had played with on occasion, but the fact that she was saying it in front of my collared sub was an insult and she knew it. I stood up abruptly, so much so that Anita flinched and Courtney backed up a step or two. I pointed a finger at her, leaning on the counter on one arm.

“That would be an insult to Anita and you know it. Do not play with me, Court. We are friendly which is why I’m not cutting your tongue out of your mouth, but there is a limit to my patience.” I warned her. She nodded, putting her hands up in surrender, her tanned skin breaking out in a visible sweat. The bark hair that fell on her face wasn’t long enough to shield her large saucer-shaped eyes. “Understood?”

“Understood.” She agreed and looked at Anita who was watching the whole exchange with curiosity.

“Good. Come on Anita, let’s go.” I said and started walking for the golden curtained booth. She got up and followed close behind me.

“What was all that about?” She whispered, reaching out and touching my arm. I looked back at her to meet her hazel eyes.

“She was suggesting that I would need another woman to satisfy me. It was an insult to you and I will not stand for anyone insulting you in my presence. Even if they are someone I consider a friend.” I explained.

Anita looked back over her shoulder at Courtney who had resumed her bartending duties.

“Oh…” She hesitated then seemed to decide to ask whatever it was that was bothering her. “Did she… did the two of you ever…?”

I chuckled and Anita frowned at me.

“No, Court and I never slept together and she was never a toy for me. She prefers women in the bedroom and she is also another dominant. We talked and shared stories, that was all, I promise.”

Anita nodded and a small smile crossed her face.


I paused a moment before the curtain, hesitating only for a moment because I didn’t want to have this conversation. There was only so much I could do, especially if Zane wanted to be awitness to the show I was supposed to put on. I also felt I should warn Anita, but I didn’t want to scare her too badly. I could ask her to wait outside, but I didn’t want to leave her alone. If I did, someone was sure to scoop her up and claim her, collar or not. Without me around to verify the collar was real, it meant nothing except that she was a submissive.

“Anita…” I began and looked down at her standing beside me. I hesitated, then looked back up at the curtain, making my decision. I could not show weakness in front of Zane or we would both be in a whole world of trouble. “Whatever you hear in that room…just go along with it. I have to be the person other people see around Zane, but remember you are my wife and I care very deeply for you. Alright?”

I looked her in the eyes and searched them, pleading with her to understand. Slowly, she nodded.

“You are putting on your mask for a show.” She said and I breathed a sigh of relief. “I understand.”

“Good.” I said and leaned in the kiss the top of her head. Then I straightened my back, squared my shoulders, and headed into the booth.

Inside there were cushioned seats that were in the shape of a U around a table, much like all the other booths. This table had many drinks on it, along with food like burgers, a few steaks, and many bowls of single-wrapped chocolates. There were two other men in the room with Zane and there were three women. One woman with long blonde hair that shielded her exposed nipples sat on Zane’s lap and fed him a chocolate that she had unwrapped. He smiled up at her and ate the chocolate, wiggling his hips beneath her suggestively.

Zane looked like what would happen if Axel Rose from Guns and Roses had a love child with the mad hatter. He wore a ridiculously tall blue velvet top hat that had safety pins and patches of multicolored material sewn into it. His shirt, whichvaguely resembled pirate garb with long flowing sleeves, had a deep V down to the man’s belly button. He had a hairless chest and slightly tanned skin that gave the impression that he wasn’t 100% caucasian, though his long blonde hair that fell around his shoulders and pooled onto the seat beside him vouched for at least some European descent. His dark eyes moved from the woman on his lap to me and there was a pause in his expression before a large smile broke out over his face. It reminded me of the Cheshire cat.

“Well look at what the cat dragged in!” He exclaimed and the other two men looked up from the conversations they were having to see who Zane was talking about. The two men looked the same, both dark-skinned, blue-eyed and strong-jawed. Their tight black curls and faded thin beards clued me in on the fact that these two were the De Luca twins. I had heard stories about them that even had me wincing, both because of fighting and because of their sexual escapades.

Zane moved the woman from his lap and stood to greet me and I accepted his hug stiffly. I was not a touchy person. Well, not until Anita, but I still didn’t like contact with anyone else. But I hugged him back because not to would be an insult.

Of course, that was when he saw Anita.

He let go of me and whistled.

“Would you look at this beauty. No wonder you’ve been hiding her.” He looked her up and down, assessing her. Then he looked up at me. “Your father told me you had a woman, but did not tell me how spectacular she was. I want to see the show you put on in my basement!” Zane exclaimed.
