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I resisted the urge to punch the man in the face and set my jaw.

“I actually wanted to talk to you about that.” I admitted and Zane tilted his head at me.

“Oh? Well alright. Cain and Kayto, you’ve met Raniero before haven't you?” Zane said, gesturing to me as he sat back downnext to the blonde. The twins nodded and looked from me to Anita and then back. Zane gestured for Anita and me to sit across from him so we did. I slid into the booth first so I would be between Anita and Kayto, then Anita sat next to me. She perched on the edge of her seat as if she were ready to bolt at any moment, which she probably was. I couldn’t blame her, I didn’t exactly give her the best idea of this place.

“So,” Zane started, stretching out to put his arms along the back of the booth. “What is it you wanted to discuss? We have the room step up to how we think you will enjoy it best. Of course, if you need anything changed, we can adjust it. The only thing your father was specific about was that there needed to be 4 men and there needed to be an audience. I’ve already made the announcement to my people and everyone is eagerly awaiting the show.”

“That’s terrific, thank you.” I said, trying to sound sincere. “But I do have a few things I would like to change. I would prefer it if there were no other men involved. I find myself to be… possessive of her.”

Zane lifted an eyebrow at me and I could sense the warning bells going off in his head. He was sensing I was up to something and he either wanted to exploit it or didn’t care for it. He shifted forward in his seat to put his elbows on his knees and his hands folded beneath his chin.

“I’m sorry, are you asking me to go against your father’s wishes?”

This was dangerous territory. If I said yes, then it would mean I was choosing Zane’s side and I would be betraying my father, meaning I would no longer be allowed in the Mafia. I would have to follow Zane. If I said no, then my request wouldn’t be granted and I would have to watch 4 other men fuck my woman.

“I’m only asking for your permission to adjust the situation as I see fit. The men that will be down there are my father’s men,correct?” I asked for clarification and a twinkle of amusement entered Zane’s eyes.

“Yes, of course, though if you wanted more men, I’m sure we could provide more. I might even be willing to help in that aspect.” He offered and gazed at Anita a lot longer than I would have liked. I resisted the urge to launch myself across the table and stab him right then and there, which I felt deserved a standing ovation at least.

“No, thank you for the offer Zane, I appreciate it, but I have something in mind that I think you would rather observe than participate in.” I hedged.

Zane nodded, accepting that answer, and waved a hand.

“Well then, by all means, my friend, do as you see fit. So long as your father’s rules are upheld, then I do not mind whatever it is you wish to do. You have full reign down there, just put on a show that my people will be talking about for the next few months. It’s got to be worth it, you know.”

“I understand. Thank you for giving me free rein. It means a lot to me.” I said and stood up so I could offer Zane my hand. He took it and smiled at me, flashing a single gold tooth.

“Any time my friend. Any time. Why don’t you head downstairs and get ready. I’ll be ushering the crowd down there in about 15 minutes. I feel like that will give you enough time to decide how to start.”

I nodded and gestured for Anita to get up. She did and headed out the door. I followed her, not wanting to initiate more conversation, and passed through the gold curtain as swiftly as I could without actually running. I wanted nothing more to do with Zane today if I could help it. I was skating a really thin line and knowing that Zane had an interest in Anita, even just in passing, bothered the hell out of me. If he wanted her, he could take her from me and there was nothing I could do, short of starting a turf war.

We were halfway to the elevators when Anita stopped and turned to me, her face red and her eyes angry.

“Four men?” she demanded and I took her arm and continued walking towards the elevator. She kept up with me so I didn’t have to drag her, but as soon as we were in the elevator, she jerked her arm out of my grip. Quickly, I hit the door close button then the emergency stop so no one could come in and we wouldn’t be sent back up to the top floor.

When we were alone, I turned to her.


“What exactly are we supposed to do with 4 men?” She demanded, folding her arms over her chest. “Because it seems to me like this is a sex club of some kind and that whatever show we are expected to put on will involve sex.”

“It will.”

She glared at me, her eyes darkening.

“And I’m supposed to just go along with it? What, let 4 other guys fuck me while everyone watches?”

“That was my father’s plan. I’m trying to figure out a way around it.”

“Then why didn’t you just tell Zane you want him to change the rules? It’s his place, right? He can do that.” She questioned and I shook my head.

“It’s not that simple.” I tried to explain. “If I told Zane to go against my father, it would be me starting a dominance war between Zane and my father and I would be declaring Zane’s side. I can’t do that. I'd be excommunicated from the mafia, if they didn’t send someone to kill me, and you, first. Zane won’t protect me the way my family will, I can’t do that.”

“Oh.” She seemed to think about it for a moment then started pacing. “So what are we going to do?”

“You are going to trust me.” I told her. “I’ll think of something.”

“You better.” She warned, her arms folded over her chest and her cheeks pink. “Because I don’t want anyone touching me other than you.”

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