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Not that that woman noticed seeing as she had the largest glass of beer that the ballpark sold—and it was halfway gone.

Ares went in first, and that was when I realized that I would be sitting next to the woman I couldn’t stop staring at.


I didn’t notice anyone or anything around me.

Instead, I focused solely on her as I made my way to my seat behind my slow as fuck sister.

“Excuse me,” Ares said to the man beside the woman.

The man leered at Ares, and I instantly decided to hate him.

Was he with the woman?

I hoped not, seeing as he was currently staring at Ares’ crotch as if he wanted to touch it.

If he so much as lifted his fingers, I was going to throat punch him.

Luckily, Ares was able to pass by without getting molested and take her seat.

I was right behind her, sliding past him.

And the moment I got directly in front of the woman, our eyes met and held.

Her eyes were the color of root beer.

A deep, earthy brown with brilliant shades of tan and gold, making them appear almost to glow.

I found myself thinking that I really hated root beer, but I loved the woman’s eyes.

“Are you ever going to fuckin’ sit?” the guy that had leered at my sister asked.


I was lingering.

But I was blaming that on the fact that the woman had captured me with her gaze and wouldn’t let me go.

At the man’s words, she did end up breaking the eye contact, but I felt like a piece of my soul had been taken right along with her gaze.

In half a second, I took in the rest of her appearance.

She had on short jean shorts that I could barely see due to her position, red and white Chucks that looked comfortable and worn, but still clean.

And she had a red t-shirt on that made the black curls that flowed around her face seem to pop in color.

She also had freckles on her nose and across her cheekbones right under her eyes that were the cutest thing I’d ever seen.

“Oh, look who’s up,” Ares muttered darkly.

I quickly found my seat and looked at where she was scowling, seeing Ryan on deck.

My lips twitched.

Oh, this day was going to be fun.


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