Page 15 of For Once

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Morgan stepped out of her car and squinted against the late afternoon sun. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and the cacophony of birdsong. She glanced around at the lush foliage surrounding the exotic animal rehabilitation center. Her heart raced in anticipation, a feeling that had become all too familiar during her time as an FBI agent. The red feather found on Melissa Grayson's body had led her here, and she hoped to find answers.

As she approached the entrance, a sagely old man emerged from the shadows of a nearby tree. His silver hair and beard framed a deeply lined face that seemed to hold within it the wisdom of a lifetime.

"Welcome," he said, his voice soft and soothing, like the rustle of leaves in a gentle breeze. "I'm Horace, the curator of this sanctuary. How may I help you?"

"Hello, Horace," Morgan said, extending her hand. "I'm Agent Morgan Cross. I'm investigating a case involving a rare Brazilian parrot, and I was hoping you could help me."

"Of course," Horace replied, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. He gestured for her to follow him as they strolled down a gravel path lined with towering trees.

"Tell me about the birds you keep here," Morgan asked, struggling to hear herself over the symphony of calls and chirps that filled the air.

"We have quite a variety," Horace explained, a note of pride creeping into his voice. "Our goal is to rehabilitate injured or endangered species and release them back into the wild. We also breed certain species to ensure their survival."

He led her to a series of large, domed cages, each filled with a different assortment of colorful, exotic birds. Morgan's eyes darted between the vibrant creatures, searching for any sign of the elusive Brazilian parrot.

"Have you ever come across a red Brazilian parrot?" she asked, her voice betraying a hint of urgency.

"Ah, the elusive Amazona brasiliensis," Horace mused, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Unfortunately, we do not have any here. They are incredibly rare and difficult to obtain."

Morgan's heart sank just a little, but she reminded herself that this was only one lead in a much larger investigation. As they continued to walk among the bird cages, Morgan couldn't help but feel a connection with these creatures – so many of them scarred or wounded, yet still fighting for survival. She knew all too well what it was like to be caged, framed for murder, and left to rot in prison. The tattoos adorning her body were a testament to that time, each one a reminder of the darkness she had overcome.

"Horace, I'm investigating a crime where a young woman was murdered. A red feather, from a rare Brazilian parrot, was found on her body," Morgan explained, watching the old man's face for any sign of recognition. "Her hair matched the feather's color, making it nearly impossible to spot."

Horace's eyes widened with interest. "I see. In that case, there is something I'd like to show you." He gestured for her to follow him as they left the bird cages behind and entered the building, into a dimly lit room filled with various displays, magnifying glasses, and examination tables.

Morgan observed the room curiously, wondering what secrets it held. She had learned long ago that sometimes the most innocuous locations could hide crucial evidence.

"Give me a moment, please," Horace said, disappearing momentarily behind a tall cabinet. When he returned, he carried a small case in his hands. Setting it down on one of the examination tables, he opened it to reveal an array of colorful feathers.

"Throughout history, many ancient tribes have associated feathers with death and rebirth," Horace began, his voice soft but captivating. "Each feather here has a story, a meaning, and perhaps even a connection to the world beyond our own."

Morgan leaned in closer, studying the vibrant plumes carefully. She was always intrigued by the ways different cultures interpreted symbols and signs, especially when it came to matters of life and death.

"Unfortunately," Horace continued, his gaze lingering on the case, "I do not have a sample of the red parrot feather you described. However, I believe it's worth considering the possibility that whoever left the feather on the victim's body did so intentionally – and perhaps with knowledge of its cultural significance."

Morgan nodded, her intuition telling her that Horace's words held weight. Her mind raced with thoughts of hidden motives, ancient rituals, and the chilling possibility that Melissa's murder was only the beginning.

Morgan reached into her pocket and pulled out a photo, unfolding it carefully. She held it up for Horace to see: the vivid red feather, its hue so striking against Melissa's lifeless body.

"Here," she said, her voice tense with determination. "This is the feather I found on the victim."

Horace studied the image, his brow furrowing in concentration. Morgan could almost see the gears turning in his mind as he processed this information. After a moment, he nodded and walked over to an old, dusty bookshelf that lined one wall of the room. He scanned the titles before selecting a large, worn textbook. The spine creaked as he brought it over to the table and began flipping through its yellowed pages.

"Ah, here we are," Horace murmured, stopping at a page featuring an illustration of the Brazilian parrot in question. He looked up at Morgan, his eyes alight with the thrill of discovery. "This bird you've shown me is significant to an ancient tribe from Brazil. The feather of this particular parrot was sacred to many tribes and was believed to have the power to open the gates to the afterlife."

Morgan felt a shiver run down her spine as she considered the weight of Horace's revelation. Her thoughts raced, trying to piece together how this information fit into the puzzle of Melissa's murder.

"Come, let me show you something else," Horace said, leading her to a small station where several feathers were displayed under UV lighting. As he flicked a switch, the feathers glowed with an array of hidden colors, ethereal and captivating.

"Under ultraviolet light, certain colors in these feathers cannot be perceived with the naked eye," Horace explained, his voice filled with wonder. "It's truly remarkable, isn't it?"

Morgan watched the feathers shimmer and dance, entranced by their otherworldly beauty. But her thoughts couldn't stray far from the case that consumed her every waking moment.

"Melissa's hair matched the feather perfectly," she said, her voice tinged with frustration. "It was nearly impossible to spot on her body."

"Indeed," Horace agreed, his expression solemn. "This killer is deliberate, and perhaps even well-versed in ancient lore."

Morgan clenched her fist, her resolve hardening. She would uncover the truth behind this chilling murder, no matter where it led her.
