Page 29 of For Once

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"Okay, fine," Derik conceded, his arms crossed defensively. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

"Always am," she responded, her voice low as she slid into the driver's seat.

"Are you heading to the bird sanctuary?" he asked, hesitating by the open car door.

"Yes, I am," she confirmed, adjusting the rearview mirror. "I'll meet you there."

"Alright," Derik sighed, relenting as he closed the door. "Be safe, Morgan."

She watched him walk away, the weight of his concern settling on her shoulders. Morgan knew she was pushing herself, but she couldn't afford to back down – not now. Her fingers drummed on the steering wheel, her thoughts racing with the possibilities of what they might find at the sanctuary.

With a determined nod, Morgan started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, leaving behind the hospital and her doubts – for now.


Morgan’s head still felt foggy, but the pain killers were keeping the full force of the concussion at bay, and she found her mind clearing as she drove toward the bird sanctuary. She refused to let something like this stand in the way of her doing her job, and since Derik’s zoo angle didn’t turn out, this bird sanctuary just might have the answers she needed to solve the case.

As she drove down the winding road leading to the Simmons Avian Sanctuary, Morgan caught glimpses of Derik's car in her rearview mirror. She could practically feel his concern radiating through the glass, but she refused to acknowledge it. Instead, she focused on the sanctuary, her mind racing with thoughts of what they might find there.

Upon arrival, the colorful sign displaying the sanctuary's name stood out against the backdrop of the farm landscape. As she parked her car, Morgan could already see various birds flitting about in their fenced-in enclosures, their feathers catching the sunlight. She stepped out of the car, the world spinning around her for a brief moment as her head throbbed with pain.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Derik asked, rushing over to her side. "You look like you're about to pass out."

Morgan gritted her teeth, her jaw clenched as she tried to keep her composure. "I told you, I'm fine," she snapped, anger and frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "We have a job to do, remember?"

"Right," Derik sighed, his eyes filled with worry. "But promise me something, Morgan. If you start feeling worse, you'll tell me, alright?"

"Fine," she reluctantly agreed, knowing it was the only way to get him off her back. As they walked toward the sanctuary, she couldn't shake the eerie feeling that something wasn't quite right. Her instincts had never failed her before, and she knew better than to ignore them now. "Let's see what we can find," she said, her voice low and determined.

Derik nodded. Together, they stepped into the unknown, ready to face whatever darkness awaited them within the Simmons Avian Sanctuary.

The sound of birdsong filled the air, a cacophony of melodies that did little to soothe Morgan's pounding headache. Her vision blurred momentarily as she tried to focus on the task at hand. She couldn't let her injuries hold her back.

They approached the sanctuary's office. The door swung open, revealing a cozy space filled with various bird-themed knickknacks. Behind the front desk stood a zany older woman with glasses perched precariously on her nose. Her hair was twisted up into an unruly bun, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she regarded the two agents.

"Welcome to Feathers Sanctuary!" she chirped. "How can I help you?"

Morgan flashed her badge, the metal glinting under the fluorescent lights. "Morgan Cross, FBI. This is my partner, Derik Greene. We're investigating a series of crimes, and we'd like your insight."

"Of course!" The woman extended a hand for them to shake. "My name's Caroline. I'm the owner of this place. What can I do you for?”

As Morgan shook Caroline's hand, her mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle that had brought them here. It was important to tread carefully; there was no telling what secrets the sanctuary might hold. But one thing was certain: they were closer than ever to the truth, and there was no turning back now.

Caroline gestured for Morgan and Derik to follow her, leading them through a narrow hallway lined with framed photographs of various exotic birds. The vibrant colors and intricate patterns seemed to leap off the walls, casting an almost hypnotic spell on the agents.

"Let me show you our back room," Caroline said, unlocking a door at the end of the hall. "We have quite a history here at Feathers Sanctuary."

As they entered the dimly lit room, Morgan couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The walls were adorned with an impressive collection of bird-related memorabilia, including sketches, paintings, and even delicate feather arrangements.

"My father founded this sanctuary decades ago," Caroline explained, her voice filled with pride. "Nowadays, I run the place full-time." She adjusted her glasses, scanning the room as if reminiscing about the past.

Morgan glanced at Derik, noting the hint of trepidation in his eyes. He was just as invested in this case as she was, and the weight of their task seemed to be bearing down on him. She knew she had to keep the conversation focused.

"Caroline, we're investigating a series of murders that seem to involve rare bird feathers," Morgan said, her voice steady. "The killer has been leaving behind a feather matching a color on each victim, and our research led us here. We know you keep albatrosses and other rare birds at your sanctuary."

Caroline's expression shifted from nostalgic to concerned. "Oh, my... That's terrible. Of course, I'll do anything I can to help."

Morgan studied Caroline, observing the lines on her face that hinted at years of hard work and dedication. She wondered what dark secrets might be hiding beneath the surface of this seemingly innocent sanctuary. But first, they needed to find out more about the birds in question.
