Page 47 of Lycan Witch

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He tried to come by after being released from the council’s dungeon—a dungeon, for gods’ sake. Chloe and Mila crowded around me, explaining everything that had happened at the council’s lodge, with Monique there, and how she was able to be so… convincingly Gideon-like. But I couldn’t bear to face him.

“I let him down. I showed him exactly what he feared I was from the beginning—weak.” Turning my head to the side, I look at Kaylus, his sleek black feathers bright orange in the bright sunlight. My face crumples as sobs steal my breath.

“Addy… Gideon loves you for who you are, not how powerful your magic is.”He hops over the sill and glides onto my bed, nuzzling his beak into my hair.

“How can I stand beside him like this, Kaylus? I’m not strong enough to be an alpha’s mate. I-I can’t control any of it.”

We can’t stay away from him forever until you decide you feel worthy enough,my wolf says, aggravated.You need to get over yourself. You’re the only one that thinks you’re weak.

“What if you could get stronger?”Kaylus asks.

“What?” I whisper, snapping my head toward him.

He sighs.“I hate suggesting it, but… Lockwood’s witch, in the clearing, she had embers in the air. Almost as if she could use—”

“Fire magic,” I finish, sitting up.

“Exactly,”Kaylus says, nodding.

“Instead of wishing away my powers, I could wish to get stronger. To get more control.”

My wolf perks at the idea.And I can train you as we hunt for her.

A small smile breaks across my face, hope dancing in my heart.

A knock sounds on the door. “Addy?” Mila calls through the wood.

I smooth a hand down my hair, getting up to open it. “Hey.”

She smiles tentatively. “There’s someone here to see you.”

My eyes dart to the stairs behind her, my heart rate quickening.

“No, it’s not him.” She shrugs when I look back to her, reaching out to touch my arm. “Come on.” Pulling me by the hand, she guides me down the stairs and into the living room.

Her house is cozy—an oversized couch with plush blankets on nearly every seat. High carpet that feels like walking on clouds is spread throughout the house, and each wall is a calming pastel type of color. It’s easy to feel at home here, and as I come into the living room, I see a familiar face.

“Addy!” Jaz rushes from her spot on the couch, launching herself at me.

I catch her in my arms, stumbling back a couple of steps as she buries her face in my shirt.

“Gods, I thought you were hurt. I-I thought…”

“Shh,” I say, brushing my hand down her hair and squeezing her tight. “I’m alright. It’s alright.”

She pulls back, misery written all over her face. “No, it’s not. Gideon… he… he’s broken.”

My brows furrow at her words, and I glance up to find Madrona on the couch, Chloe seated beside her. “Broken?”

Madrona glances between me and the girl clinging to my arms. “He’s… sad, I imagine. Losing the main source of light in your life will do that to a person, especially the second time around.”

I bite the inside of my cheek, remembering his family that my ancestors murdered.

“We just came to check on you, dear,” Madrona continues, smiling over at Mila and Chloe, then Cali as she bounces in from the kitchen. “I see you have quite the group of friends here for you as well.”

“Yeah,” I say, guiding Jaz to the other side of the couch and sitting down with her. “They’ve been… lifesavers, really.”

“Mm, I could imagine.” A gleam shines in her eyes. “Well, we didn’t want to take up much of your time. We should get on our way. But it would do well to remember, love.” She comes over, brushing my hair back from my face with all the kindness of a mother, bringing tears to my eyes. “All the light in the world can only be appreciated in the dark, just as hope is most valued during times of despair.” Reaching down, she grabs Jaz’s hands with a knowing smile.
