Page 78 of Holiday Vibes

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I can only doodle so many dicks.

She gets up to put the cinnamon rolls in the oven, humming to herself, satisfied she’s done her best to ensure her precious favorite won’t end up getting his heart broken. I finish my coffee in silence.

Nic doesn’t wake up when I climb back into bed. I snuggle against his back, wrapping my arm around him. I like being the big spoon, curling my body around his perfect ass. Tracing my fingers down the little trail of hair on his stomach. I want to wrap my hand around his dick and stroke him until he makes a mess on my bed, but he’s still asleep. So I kiss his shoulder instead. I have to shimmy up a little to kiss along his neck, but by the time I’m there, he’s awake. Like he can read my mind, he grabs my hand, pulling it down to his dick, moaning when I wrap my fingers around it.

He turns his head, capturing my lips, and a few moments later, he has my feet over his shoulders and nothing else matters. Just this, right now, with him.

We aren’t the last to make it downstairs—Timothy’s missing—but we might as well be. Smirks and knowing looks all around greet us when we walk in together. Not holding hands or anything, just…together.

“Ahem.” My mother clears her throat, pointing to the ceiling.

Nic and I both look up.

Timothy’s standing on the second floor, fishing pole in hand, a bit of mistletoe hanging from the hook a few feet above us. He grins.

“Seriously, guys—” I start, but Nic’s lips on mine cut me off. There are some cheers and claps and from the second floor, a whistle. Evie’s little voice saying “aw” and Liam’s “gross” filter through.

Nic keeps it family-friendly and pulls away.

“Happy?” he asks everyone, but he doesn’t sound mad or annoyed about it. He just sounds like Nic.

“Yup,” Timothy says on behalf of the family. He’s about to swing his leg over to take his usual shortcut down to the great room, but Mina stops him with a stern “Timothy” and he changes his mind, disappearing as he heads toward the stairs.

“Can we start opening yet?” Liam asks. He and Evie are sitting in front of the tree, clearly itching to get into the massive pile of presents.

My mom gets up from the sofa. “Have at it kids.”

Liam immediately snatches a present, reads the tag, and booms out, “Uncle Timothy!”

“Throw it here!” he calls from the doorway, and the smallish box is hurtled through the air.

Mina scoots over and pats the couch next to her. No one is watching us in the chaos of the kids handing out presents, but they could be, so I sit perfectly straight next to Nic, a couple of inches in between us.

“This is weird,” Nic says, leaning into me.

I nod.

He wraps an arm around my shoulders, tucking me into his side. “Feet up, like normal. Better?”

I rest my head on his shoulder and draw my feet onto the couch, and yeah, this is better. “You?”

He kisses the top of my head. “Yeah.”

Timothy, being the absolute dick that he is, makes Mina scoot over so he can sit next to me, where he immediately reaches over and pokes me in the arm. “Hey, twinsie.”

“Fuck off, weirdo.” I kick him in the thigh. He pokes me again.

Nic sighs, scooping me into his arm. He stands, dumps me in his spot, then takes my seat next to Timothy. When Timothy pokes him, Nic grabs a throw pillow and nails him in the groin.

“You passed the test, Fontana.” Timothy wheezes, covering his junk.

I can’t see the look Nic gives him, but I know which one it is. Incredulous and irritated, all rolled up into one.

“You didn’t let me pick on Jessie,” my brother says. “Camden failed.”

Camden pretended to ignore Timothy’s childish behavior.

“You don’t have to test me.” Nic grumbles at him.
