Page 30 of Cupcake

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‘Don’t say sorry to me, say sorry to him.’

‘He’s married with two kids now.’

’I think we just found out who Elsie’s been stalking on social media,’ laughed Tom.

Her eyes went wide as she realised her mistake. ‘Shit.’

‘Right, come on your turn,’ giggled Anna. ‘Dig yourself out of the hole.’

‘Oh my goodness. I started this didn’t I? Fuck. Never have I ever…’ Elsie paused for dramatic effect, then she tilted her head meaningfully at Anna and bit her lip. ‘Questioned my sexuality.’

Elsie watched as her new friend blushed, her long fingers twitching around her glass as she looked sidelong at her, glancing away as her cheeks flushed and turning toward Cole and then her husband, all of them frozen, waiting for one of the others to move like a Mexican standoff.

‘Fuck it,’ laughed Elsie and drank.

Anna grinned and nodded slowly, then downed hers in one.

Cole remained still as Tom’s eyes went wide again, staring in surprise at his wife. ’This is a night of revelations.’

Anna giggled and pursed her lips innocently before shrugging. ‘You never asked.’

‘I didn’t think I needed to,’ he said. ‘Forgive me for assuming.’

‘Have you ever been with a girl?’ asked Elsie, squirming with excitement.

‘Um, I think you’re supposed to say Never have I ever first?’ said Anna, shaking her head and wagging her finger.

Elsie took a deep frustrated breath, stroking her thighs as she grinned and nodded slowly. ‘Fair enough.’

Anna was bright red as she laughed, unable to hold Elsie’s gaze any longer, her hands visibly shaking as she squeezed her thighs together and flattened the hem of her dress. She watched as her new friend glanced up at her husband and smiled meaningfully.

Elsie wanted to kneel forward, crawl across the room and kiss her in that moment, but she held herself back. It wasn’t time yet.

‘Your turn then,’ said Elsie, winking.

‘Never have I ever…’ said Anna, her lips pursed in anticipation. ‘Taken a naughty selfie.’

‘Guilty,’ Elsie slammed her drink back and almost dropped it back on the carpet. ‘Every time Cole goes away I like to let him know what he’s missing.’

‘No one can ever look at my phone,’ he laughed, patting his pocket protectively.

Anna grabbed her glass too and knocked her drink back, before turning to look at her husband who grinned. ’Guilty as charged,’ she said. ‘Not done that in a while though, maybe I need to up my game?’

‘Boys?’ said Elsie, looking between them. ‘You’ve never sent a dick pic?’

‘Never,’ said Cole as Tom shook his head.

Anna nodded her head approvingly. ‘No one likes a dick pic,’ she laughed. ‘Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cock, but I have no desire to look at one on my phone, no matter whose it is.’

Elsie nodded vigorously as she turned to Tom, inviting him to take his turn.

‘As my wife seems to be being brutally honest this evening, there’s something I’ve always been curious about… Never have I ever had anal sex,’ he said, looking pointedly at his wife.

Anna burst out laughing so hard that she bent right forward, her forehead touching the carpet as she giggled herself into silence.

Elsie watched as she slowly sat upright, her face bright red with guilt. In that moment they both looked at one another, their eyes full of laughter, and drank.

‘But apparently not with me,’ said Tom, looking somewhat disappointed, his own drink untouched.
