Page 32 of Cupcake

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‘I can’t believe you,’ she continued, shaking her head as she sat back down. ‘Fine, time to bring out the big guns. Never have I ever… had a threesome,’ said Anna peering intently at Elsie, then a moment later, she drank half of her drink, her eyes peeping over the top of her glass as she grinned back shyly at her husband.

‘What?’ he said. ‘When?’

‘Half a threesome,’ she held up her fingers an inch apart. ‘Only half.’

‘How do you have half a threesome?’

‘Oh shit,’ huffed Anna, looking to Elsie with a pleading look.

‘Don’t look at me,’ she said. ‘You got yourself into this one. I’m just as curious as him.’

‘Fuck,’ she laughed. ‘Ok, so there was this guy at college that both me and my best friend liked. I’d had a crush on him since school and she liked him too. We’d all started hanging out together and the more time we all spent in each other’s company, the more I liked him, but the more I could see my friend liked him too. Eventually we had this huge argument and it all came out - she was in love with him, she’d never loved anyone before - blah blah blah - anyway, we fell out big time. For a few weeks we didn’t talk to each other, but our parents were good friends so it’s all pretty awkward. Easter comes around and our mum’s decide enough is enough, and take us out for a day trip together, I think it was to some zoo or something, it was too young for us at the time, we’d all turned eighteen by then, but by the end of the day the hatchet is buried and we’re friends again. The boy in question - his name was Archie - invites us both to a house party the following weekend along with a whole bunch of our friends. His parents are abroad for two weeks so he has the house all to himself, no brothers or sisters. Out of the blue, my friend says to me, why don’t we share him? At this point I’m completely baffled. She says, instead of heading home at the end of the night, we stay to help him tidy up the house and then just… do it together.’

Elsie’s eyes widened. ‘I bet he was happy.’

‘We didn’t actually have sex, just to be clear. We told him what we wanted, we all got naked - it was so awkward, we literally just took off our clothes and stood there - then... we might have kissed a little... and then he got, over excited.’

‘Oh no,’ squealed Elsie, covering her face. ‘But also really hot.’

Anna nodded. ‘After that, it was all over,’ she laughed. ‘Unfortunately that rather ruined the whole mystical charm of Archie and a week later we both had new, and different, crushes.’

‘That’s amazing,’ said Elsie giggling.

‘I can’t believe you,’ said Tom, his mouth wide, but smiling. ‘I can’t believe you’ve never told me this.’

Anna shrugged. ‘Maybe I’ll tell you some more, later... Whose turn is it now?’ she said, smiling from ear to ear.

Elsie grinned and knocked back her drink. ‘Didn’t think the round was over actually.’

Anna gasped. ‘You too?’

Elsie nodded as Cole knocked his drink back a moment later.

‘What?’ laughed Anna.

‘What the fuck? Everyone here has had a threesome except for me?’ said Tom, incredulous. ‘Have I lived some sort of sheltered life?’

‘Half a threesome,’ said Anna, pointedly. ‘And no, you’ve lived a pure and innocent life and I love you all the more for it every day.’

‘Actually Cole and I have had a threesome together,’ said Elsie, interjecting. Time for the big play. ‘More than one.’

‘Oh,’ said Anna, her expression changing as she looked at them, and for a brief moment, Elsie saw hope in her eyes. She’d hidden it well, but it had been there and it gave her a momentary boost in confidence. ‘What, um? What did you…?’

‘With Alice,’ she said quietly.

Anna’s eyes widened.

‘Two years ago, we all made love right here, on the rugs in front of the fire… Just like…’

Just like now, she wanted to say, but she stopped herself.

‘Oh,’ said Anna. There was a part of her that looked crestfallen all of a sudden, heartbroken even - just for moment - then she drew herself up and laughed, looking at Cole. ‘Lucky you.’

‘We’ve also done it with my old Uni friend, Ben,’ Elsie turned her attention towards Tom and smiled.

The room stayed quiet, Anna looked down at the floor and began to twirl one of the loose strands of thick rug in her fingers.

‘Weren’t you jealous?’ she said quietly.
