Page 72 of Gilded Lies

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“I can’t give you some great description. It was very bright, and the streets were beautiful and made from pure gold. I was Mammon and more interested in that than anything else. I didn’t get to see their God or other angels.” Aurelius turned onto his back and stretched. “You’d think an angel would only think of serving God. That’s what they were created for, right? Why make something that will turn on you.”

“I’m assuming they had free will. We’re Elira’s children, but some of us are rotten to the core.”


Aurelius wanted to come out and not stay cooped up all day. Jari convinced him to go up into the crow’s nest so he could look out, and they chased off the sailor who’d been up there.

They had quite a while to get to Ash Island. This trip would be like a long pause so Aurelius could rest, process things, and have all of the affection he wanted. Out in the water, nobody could truly bother them, and they could think about what to do and where to live exactly once they returned to World’s Edge.

He didn’t know if it was because of last night, and Aurelius growing comfortable with touch, sexual or not, but the Prince was soon plastered against him, and they ended up on the floor with only the sky to see what they did.

The view of the surrounding ocean was forgotten while they stuffed their hands in each other’s trousers to jerk each other off in their private nook. With Aurelius’s slim fingers stroking him and Jari’s wrapped around his shaft, Aurelius came first. The low moan he let out near Jari’s ear set him off, and he had to make an effort to remain quiet while he listened to Prince’s quickened breath.

“I love you,” Aurelius whispered as he sagged against Jari.

“I love you too.”

Chapter Fourteen

Aurelius wasn’t sure if he should back off and take more time for himself and his head while he could. If he had a chance at life now, that meant he could take things slower and not rush to experience everything since it wouldn’t be gone in a blink.

At the same time, he wanted nothing more than to have Jari against him, on him, and under him. All of the lust and desire he’d spent ages ignoring and stuffing down must have needed to burst free. Jari seemed perfectly content to let him guide things, and they hadn’t fucked again, but they’d certainly been on each other in other ways nearly every day.

They’d been on the ship for nearly two weeks, and Aurelius was getting his ass beat at chess by Este when they played one afternoon. No matter what he did, she always found a way around whatever he plotted in his head.

“There’s a mermaid on that rock over there.” Aurelius stared intently at nothing in the water behind Este.

She glared at him. “I’m not falling for that. As soon as I turn my head, you’ll move pieces.”

“I would never.” Aurelius tried to look innocent.

“Whatever. Save the cuteness for Jari.” She moved a piece. “Your turn.”

Aurelius stared at the board while he tried to think of how he could potentially salvage the game and his pride. If he moved the Queen-

I need children.

Aurelius froze and forgot his potential move at those three simple words in the usual toneless voice that was like a thought in his head. Except it wasn’t his own. He should have kids. Heneeded heirs so he could spread and further himself just in case. He needed them. He’d get the key and-

“I’m growing old and grey over here,” Este said in a lofty voice as she examined her nails.

“G-give me a minute,” Aurelius mumbled, trying to force the thoughts away.

Fuck. He’d felt so well since they’d come here. The urge to gild had been a tiny one in the back of his head that was much easier to ignore even compared to before. Sometimes, it was almost like it didn’t exist if he was distracted enough.

With that and Jari’s hopeful insistence that he’d be fine if he stayed on or near water with the constant salt in the air, he’d started to have real hope. He’d even started to think that maybe he could have that thing he wanted with Jari: a home and a life.

Jari already insisted that Aurelius wasn’t going back to court, he needed to rule his own life, and he was safer if they stayed by the coast.

He moved a pawn, and Este took it with a knight. Her pieces were getting closer to the King. She’d win in a few more moves unless Aurelius pulled a grand trick out of his ass and turned things around.

He was out of tricks. He was technically a King, and he couldn’t escape. It wasn’t drawing closer. Mammon was already in him, the hooks were deep, and the salt had only given him a reprieve.

He’d managed to worm his way deeper into Aurelius’s brain.

He moved a Mage because at that point, it didn’t matter what he did. Este thought for a bit before she moved hers. Aurelius took a pawn with one of his, but it was useless. The urge to have a child lurked despite the other part of his brain being appalled at the idea of having a squalling baby to take care of. Two more moves, and she beat him.

“One day, you’ll be as good as me,” she said in a joking tone as she gave his hand on the table a quick pat.
