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Moving Calla with me, I get to the side of Zane and reach out to run my fingers down his small cheek. His skin is so pale and he’s still so fucking hot. I know they’ve given him some medicine for it, they wouldn’t let anyone suffer with a fever like this. Zane doesn’t even open his eyes as I stare down at him. While he looks like he’s sleeping and nothing else, I can’t help the fear filling me with the few things attached to his small body.

We stay in his room until they take him. A crew comes in and takes our son from us. Calla and I remain standing there as he disappears from sight. Tears are freely rolling down both of our faces and landing on the floor at our feet. I don’t give a fuck who sees me like this right now. Half of my world was just taken from me and I can’t do a fucking thing to fix this for him. Or for Calla. This is something that’s out of our control and I can’t help but hope and pray nothing goes wrong with that little boy in there.

We’ve been in the waiting room in the surgical area for what feels like hours and hours. Time has come to a stop as the doctors work on Zane. I’m holding Calla tight to my body as she alternates between crying and blaming herself because she didn’t notice earlier that our boy was sick. I know nothing I say right now will make her realize this isn’t her fault. Kids get sick. Adults get sick. This is something a lot of people go through and there’s nothing anyone can do to fix it. No one other than the doctors and surgeons who do the operation that removes the appendix. Once that’s done, Zane will be okay and this will all be nothing more than a nightmare. One my wife went through all alone for the most part. She’s a fucking champion!

“Family of Zane Jones,” a doctor says as he walks in the room.

Calla all but jumps out of my arms and goes to stand in front of the man with me at her side. I’m anxious to hear how our son is doing and make sure the surgery went well. Still, I force myself to remain quiet and still as everyone crowds around us.

“Am I free to speak in front of everyone here?” the doctor asks, looking around the room.

“You are. Please, is our son okay?” Calla asks, her voice filled with fear and the tears she’s still crying.

“He’s doing excellent. We were able to get his appendix out with no complications. Right now, he’s in recovery and is starting to wake up from the anesthesia. He’ll be groggy and sleep more than anything. When he’s awake and alert, we need to make sure he can keep down liquids. For now, we’ll only be giving him clear liquids in case he gets sick. We don’t want his body rejecting regular food at this point. I'd like to keep him overnight for observation. In the morning, we’ll try him on solid food. If he can keep that down, he’ll be discharged and allowed to go home,” the doctor informs us.

“When can we see him?” I ask, my voice breaking with all the emotions flooding me right now.

Relief fills me as I pull Calla into my arms again. She’s crying tears of relief as she tries to listen to when we can get in with Zane.

“Once he’s moved to his room, you’ll be able to go in with him. It shouldn’t be too much longer. In fact, I’m sure a nurse can take you into the room he’ll be in overnight now. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the nurses when they come in to check on him throughout the night. I also believe Dr. Mason will be in to check on him sometime between now and the morning as well.”

“Thank you,” Calla says, her voice wavering still.

We’re surrounded by our family as they all hug us. Not a single one of them knows what we’re going through, but they realize we’d be here for them if this was one of their kids. We all show up for one another no matter what’s going on and who needs the support at any given time. It’s one of the main reasons I love this club. Now, if Lash can get his head out of his ass, we’ll be doing really good and can move forward. For now, my focus is going to be on Zane and Calla. They’re my priority and will always come first from now on. Today was a fuck up on my part and I won’t let it happen again.

Chapter Twenty-One

ZANE SLEPT ALMOST all night long. He woke up a few times in a bit of pain and the nurses took care of him immediately. Billy did manage to get him to take a few small sips of water and he kept it down with no problems. His little voice is scratchy from the surgery, but we’ve been assured that will go away soon. He’s also been coughing, which doesn’t help the pain he’s in. Again, they said it’s normal because of the anesthesia and it working its way out of his little body. Billy didn’t leave his side other than to go to the bathroom and it still didn’t mean he let our boy out of his sight. Since we have a bathroom in Zane’s room, he left the door slightly ajar so he could keep Zane in his sight. Billy feels horrible about missing out on being here because he didn’t check his phone at all during the day. I get how he feels because I’m still blaming myself for this happening at all. The guilt is a heavy burden.

This morning, Zane managed to keep down a light breakfast and milk. Dr. Mason and the doctor who performed the surgery both have been in to see him and are more than okay with him getting discharged. We’ll get pain medicine and stuff for him. For now, we’re also supposed to watch what we feed him, but nothing is really off the table. If there’s something he wants to eat, then we can give it to him. Dr. Mason just wants us to keep a close eye on him and if he starts getting sick then we’re to bring him in and get him checked out. Zane listens to every single thing both doctors say and takes it to heart. I’m sure if he had a notebook and pen, he’d be writing everything down. Plus, he’s asked so many questions about everything. It’s really good to see him taking this as seriously as it is. Not that I ever questioned his dedication to his son. This is just a different side of my husband that I haven’t gotten a chance to see yet. Just one of the reasons he’s an amazing dad.

“Are you ready to go home, little man?” I ask Zane after everyone leaves us alone in the room again.

“Yeah, mama,” he says, barely able to keep his eyes open again. This is something we were told is normal and will more than likely happen the next few days.

“Okay. Hartley is gonna bring you in some clothes and we’ll get you changed so we can go home,” I tell him, a smile on my face.

I’ve tried so hard not to cry in front of him and it’s almost more than I can take at times. However, I pull up my big girl panties and suck it up so he doesn’t see how upset I am about this shit.

“Actually, we’re gonna be goin’ to the clubhouse when we leave here. Found out some information yesterday and we’re gonna need to be there for a little bit. Zane can have the room he had before and you can stay in there with him if that’s what you want,” Billy tells me as Hartley makes her way in the room after knocking softly on the door.

“Will you tell me what’s going on when we get there?” I ask him, not sure if this is club business or not.

“Yes, I will. This is shit that directly involves Zane and you. I heard what you said about that and I agree a hundred percent about it. So, as soon as we get Zane settled in his room, we’ll have a conversation. Hartley, will you watch over him so we can talk?” Billy asks her as she hands me the bag of clothes for Zane.

“Of course I will. The rest of the ol’ ladies are already there cooking up a storm for him. They’re going to spoil his ass and there’s nothing you can do to stop it from happening. Just let them be and we’ll all be good,” Hartley says and I know it’s the truth of the matter. Hartley will also be right there with them spoiling our son and making sure he’s okay and none of us need anything. “I’m gonna get out of your way and let you get Zane ready to head to the clubhouse. He's got a lot of men out there waiting for him. You, little boy, have one of the strongest clubs guarding over you and they’ll walk you out of the hospital and to Daddy’s truck. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

“Okay,” Zane says, a smile forming on his face as he discovers all the guys are out there waiting for him to get out.

Billy helps me get our son dressed in a pair of loose sweatpants and one of his larger tee-shirts. We don’t want anything rubbing on where they had to open him up. Thankfully, it’s just a few smaller incisions where they needed to open him up. I’ve seen pictures of people who had to get opened up further and I’m so glad that’s not what had to happen to our son. The very second we have him dressed, Zane is ready to leave. He’s not moving fast at all, but he’s ready to get out of the hospital bed and leave the hospital.

It doesn’t take long for the nurses to come in with a wheelchair, his discharge papers, and the scripts we’ll need to get filled. And we’re off. Billy lifts our boy into the wheelchair and I walk beside him as my husband pushes our son out of the room and toward the bikers waiting for him along the hallway. They all follow along behind us after greeting Zane and saying a few words to him. It absolutely makes his day and I’m glad they’re here doing this for him. It’s the best thing that could put an end to this part of Zane’s hospital stay and surgery.

“When we get in the truck, I’ll tell you what we found out,” Billy tells me as we get in the elevator with some of the guys.


“I’ve brought the truck around the front and a Prospect is makin’ sure no one gets close to it,” Lash informs us as we ride down two floors to get to the main level.
