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A few of the girls are in the kitchen as I make my way in there. I’m getting eyed up and down by Carol, our newest girl. She’s been trying to get in my bed since the day she walked through the doors. It’s not gonna happen and she’s as bad as Silk lately. The woman is pushy as fuck and doesn’t take a hint when it comes to us not wanting her. It’s a lesson she’ll more than learn when it comes to me. I’m not gonna play anyone’s games.

“Shank, can I get you anything?” Carol purrs, thinking its sexy as fuck when her voice grates on my nerves worse than anything ever before.

“No!” I tell her, my voice hard and cold as I avoid even looking in her direction.

“Are you sure I can’t do anything for you?” she tries again, stepping in front of me and attempting to put her hand on my chest.

“Carol, you haven’t been here all that long. Are you ready to be kicked out on your ass as quick as you walked through the door? I can make it fuckin’ happen and I won’t hesitate to make sure no one here ever looks in your direction again. When I tell you I don’t fuckin’ want anythin’ from you, that’s what I fuckin’ mean. There is nothin’ you could do to make me ever bring you to my bed or fuck you anywhere else. There’s not even a chance of you suckin’ my cock,” I bark out, my voice being loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

“Shank, I’ve seen you looking at me. I know you want me. It’s just a matter of time before you take me to your bed. Once you do, you won’t ever let me go,” Carol says, her voice raising several octaves.

“No, I won’t. You’re fuckin’ delusional if you think I look at you with anythin’ other than absolute disgust. The rest of the girls in here know where I stand on things and don’t get up in my face in their desperate attempt to get an officer to make them an ol’ lady. Let me give you a clue, Carol, no one here will make you an ol’ lady. We don’t want our woman to have fucked every member of the club. When I take my woman, I want to know everyone here doesn’t know what she tastes like, how she screams when she cums, or anythin’ else when it comes to sex. I can tell you everythin’ about your body because it’s been on display enough in the common room. Get the fuck outta my face or I’ll bring it to church today about kickin’ your ass out,” I promise Carol as her entire face changes to one of pure rage as she stomps from the kitchen.

Laughing to myself, I make my way to the refrigerator and pull out what I need to make a sandwich or two. I grab a bag of my chips that are still sealed and a bottle of water to go with my lunch. It doesn’t take me long to make something to eat and head to my room. I don’t want to see Carol or anyone else as I wait for Doc to show up so we can talk about a few things. This is going to be an important day and one that will either go very good or horribly wrong. It all depends on how Calla reacts to a few things.

I’ve stalled as long as I can about leaving for Calla’s house. I shouldn’t be stalling, but I’m so fucking nervous now that the time is actually here. This is the most nervous I’ve ever been in my life. Nothing else has ever gotten under my skin the way the thought of meeting my son has. Lash and Zeus are sitting in the common room as I make my way through it. They still don’t know all the details or anything, but they do know I get to meet Zane today. With a nod of their head in my direction, I continue on my way. I’ve only spoken to them briefly to see if there was any information about Calla’s dad yet. Apparently there’s a ton of shit and Zeus isn’t done pulling shit either.

Instead of taking my bike like I want to, I’ve decided to take my truck today. There’s more than one reason for me doing this. I’ve also dressed differently than normal. Instead of my jeans and cut, I’m wearing a pair of dress pants, a button-down shirt, new leather jacket, and a new pair of boots that are shined as much as they can be. Calla’s father will be expecting me in my cut, jeans, and all that shit. By changing a few things it will be harder for him to recognize me. I’ve got my cut and will keep it with me to wear while I’m in the house, but we don’t wear our cut in cages anyway.

Pulling out of the clubhouse parking lot, I make the short trip to Calla’s house. I pay attention to everything around me so I know if I’m being followed or not. So far, I don’t have a tail. There’s also nothing out of place when I pull up in front of Calla’s. Getting out, I quickly head for the front door and knock. My eyes constantly scan my surroundings while I wait for the door to be opened.

“Billy, it’s good to see you,” Calla greets me as she answers the door.

“Can I come in?” I ask her, not sure I can return the sentiment.

Calla is wearing a tight pair of jeans that mold to her ass and thighs. She’s got a loose tee-shirt on and her short hair is a tousled mess. It looks as if she literally just got done being fucked good and hard. There’s no make-up on her face and she’s not wearing any perfume or other bullshit to make her smell good. Instead, everything about Calla is all natural. I’ve only seen her wear make-up and all that shit a handful of times over the years we were together. Today, she looks just as good as always and I want nothing more than to pull her into my arms and hold her close. Something I won’t allow until I know how I truly feel and if I can get past the anger I feel toward her.

“Of course. Zane is in the living room waiting for you,” she informs me as she steps to the side and makes room for me to enter her home.

I stop once I’m through the door and wait for Calla to lead me inside. She gives me a small smile that shows how nervous she is as well about this meeting. Still, I follow her, trying to keep my eyes off her ass that’s only gotten better since she left. We come to a stop in the living room and I take in the little boy sitting on the floor with a bunch of cars and bikes surrounding him. He looks up at me with a large smile on his face. I immediately see the resemblance to myself in the boy sitting in front of me.

Zane jumps up from his spot on the floor and races over to me. There’s no fear in the mini me standing in front of me. He looks up at me with wide eyes as I stand completely still.

“Are you my daddy?” he asks, his voice little and unsure as he looks at me closely.

Looking at Calla for guidance, I wait until she gives a slight nod of her head before I bend down so I’m on Zane’s level. “I am your daddy.”

Zane doesn’t hesitate to jump toward me and wrap his arms around me in the tightest hug I’ve ever felt from a little boy. His face is buried in my neck and I can’t stop the emotion from flowing through me. The main thing I feel is a strong urge to protect Zane with every piece of my soul. To make sure he grows up to be a hardworking, loyal man who knows how to protect what’s his and those in need of his help. I don’t want him to be an asshole like his grandfather apparently is. Zane will always be a good man who does what is right when he gets older if I have anything to say about it.

My eyes dart up to see Calla watching us with tears in her eyes. She gives me another nod before making her way into the kitchen. This part of her house is an open floor plan so she can still see Zane and me while she finishes putting dinner together. I’m not sure what we’re having but it smells fucking amazing. My mouth is already watering at whatever we’re about to eat tonight.

After a few minutes, Zane releases me from his hug. He smiles at me before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him over to where his cars and bikes are still all over the floor. I sit down across from him and wait to see what he wants to do.

“Daddy, can we race?” Zane finally asks me, his voice a little hesitant.

“Of course. How big is the race track?”

Zane explains our race course and we both pick out a car to use. He’s telling me all about the car he’s got in his hand. Well, the color and shit at any rate. Eventually he’ll know all about cars, trucks, bikes, and everything else. I’ll make sure to teach him everything I know so he can work on his own vehicles. Zane counts down to start the race and we both take off, pushing our cars along the carpet that’s seen better days. I keep my car behind Zane’s as he zooms recklessly around the carpet and toward the finish line. The second he crosses the imaginary line, Zane starts cheering and laughing his ass off.

“Mama, I beat Daddy. Did you see that?” Zane asks Calla, jumping up and down right in front of me.

“I did, little man. You did so good,” she tells him, a bright smile on his face. “Dinner will be in about ten minutes. Why don’t you go wash your hands and get ready? You can show your daddy your room if you want to.”

Zane immediately stops jumping around and pulls me up from the floor. I let him believe he’s the one doing all the work instead of getting up on my own. There’s a strong need in my boy to be helpful and do things like this to those in his life. That’s something Calla has taught him over the years and I know she’s done the very best with our son.

Before leaving the room, I look at Calla. She’s watching us with a close eye while moving around the kitchen.

“When we’re done eatin’, wanna take you to the clubhouse. Got Doc meetin’ us there so we can get a DNA test done. It’s not because I don’t believe he’s mine. I want the world to know there’s no doubt Zane is my boy. Plus, it offers a layer of protection you don’t currently have,” I inform her as Calla simply nods her head in response. She has to know I’d want to have this done and wouldn’t simply take her word for it.
