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I look into the depths of her turquoise-blue eyes, getting lost in them. Her chocolate hair falls in waves around her shoulders. I say, "I do."

Father Jennings turns to Lillith. "Do you, Lillith Sinclair, take Killian Cross as your wedded husband under the house of judges in health?"

Those ocean-blue eyes look at my mask, pausing for a second, and I swear my heart bangs inside my chest as I wait for the two words to pass her lips. "I do," she says softly, but her eyes tell me something her lips don't.

But she said it. She's mine now. Lillith Cross is mine.

"Very well. You may seal this with a kiss to serve as a testament to your oath."

Fuck. I'm going to see her face. I feel like a kid opening a present that he has been waiting all year to see.

She tilts her head slightly so I can lean in with both hands and undo the fabric of her mask. The only thing I can hear is the pounding of my heart in my ears. The electricity runs through my veins as the tips of my fingers graze her skin as I continue to lift the fabric off her face.

The silence stretches thick. The room feels heavy. I think everyone in the room right now wants to see what Lillith's face looks like. I gently pull the black fabric off her face. Everyone holds their breath, hoping the flame from the fire doesn't blow out before it catches. When her aqua-colored eyes slide up to meet mine, I think my heart skips a few beats.

I'm frozen.

Her lips are light pink and plump. The skin is smooth and fair with a touch of light makeup. Her hair is dark on top, transitioning to rich chocolate on the bottom in thick waves. Her dark and pronounced eyelashes contrast with eyes the color of the clearest sea.

She's the most stunning woman I have ever seen, and I'm lost in her beauty. I convinced myself that I wouldn’t fall for the beautiful woman I had to marry, but nothing prepared me for…her.

I hear Ciro clear his throat. "Kill. The kiss and the ring," he whispers. I reach into my pocket, looking for the box. "The kiss, Kill," he reminds me.

Shit. I'm fumbling like an idiot in front of everyone. I grip the black velvet box in my hand and slide my thumbs under my mask.

Her eyes look away, and I hear her mutter, "It’s okay. You don't have to take the mask off."

I pause, and she instantly grips my arms. Standing on the tips of her pointed heels, she places a soft kiss over the plastic lips of my mask.

The officiate thinks that was my intention, but it wasn't. I wanted her to see me, but she saved me from having to tear my mask off. I should be glad, but for some reason…I'm disappointed. I wanted to feel the softness of those plump lips, but I knew the reason. Deep down, I realize at that moment when her lips touched the plastic of my mask whatI doreally means. I'm married to her in name but not in her heart.

I'm pressing my teeth together, gripping the box to open it. The ring is a nine-carat flawless diamond mounted on a platinum band.

I hear her inhale when she looks at it, and I lean close, trying to make this moment special for some reason. "It was my mother’s."

She nods, and I take her delicate hand, feeling the surge of electricity through our fingers. I slide the beautiful ring I used to see my mother wear all the time on and smile to myself. It’s perfect. It looks gorgeous on her.

I pluck my father's ring from the box and hand it to her, and she slides it on my ring finger.

"It is with great pleasure to announce Mr. and Mrs. Killian Cross."

Agnus claps with tears in her eyes, and my boy Ciro gives out a holler. "My boy is all grown up!"

All the staff are present as witnesses, and I turn to the priest. "Thank you."

"My pleasure, my son."

I can see the look of confusion in Lillith's eyes, but she doesn't say anything. Agnes hands me the bag I instructed her to pack.

Gently taking my wife's hand, I tug her closer and murmur, "Follow me." She resists for a moment, but I assure her. "I'm taking you somewhere alone, and we'll be back by morning."

I didn't have shit planned, but the last thing I wanted was to be away from her. I had to come up with something fast. There was no way I would be without her tonight.

On our wedding day, I realized it was only fair that my bride see me as the man she married. She can't possibly love me if she thinks I'm a monster. But the moment I made her mine and gazed into those azure pools, I've been unable to bear the thought of her being with anyone else.

I'm his in every sense of the word. Fear pools at the bottom of my heart for what my life will become. He can do whatever he wants, and no one would be able to do anything about it. Killian has my life in his hands. I'm numb.

I saved him from having to show me his face, hoping he would be relieved, but maybe I didn't want to see what he looked like. At first, I was curious, but it's for the best. The less I think about him, the better it is for my sanity. The rest of him is enigmatic.
