Page 21 of All Of My Sundays

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I turn to him with a wide grin saying, “I’m gonna get my girl.”

His laugh fills the air as he shakes his head saying, “Yeah, you’re one crazy S.O.B. Tell me, Romeo, how are you going to get into this party? It says it’s by invitation only.”

I shrug my shoulders, “I’ll figure something out. I’ve got a couple days to work on a plan.”

“Do you really think the man who keeps trying to buy this place and who you keep knocking back is going to let you run off and marry his daughter?” Niko queries.

I squeeze my forehead with my thumb and index finger, feeling a headache beginning. Holden Philips has been trying to acquire my business for years. He doesn’t want this run-down mechanic shop for his own. No. He wants the land it resides on as it’s the only thing stopping him from building his pretty new shopping mall.

This business belonged to my gramps. Between this and the house, they were the only things my grandparents left behind for me once they passed. The house isn’t much. A small three-bedroom villa on a quiet street. I live there when I’m not working at the bar and crashing at the apartment.

Gramps left me with a small mortgage I’m still paying off on the house. I had to remortgage it at one stage to help keep the business afloat. The thought of selling has never crossed my mind. It’s where I grew up and I haven’t been able to part with it. It’s the same with the business. I didn’t want to part with it as it was Gramps' hard work that went into this place, building it up from scratch and I can’t bear to see it demolished. I know I could always relocate to another site, but I’ve never felt the need or desire.

This is the leverage I need to make sure Holden won’t stand in my way when it comes to Sophia. I know I’m not what he’d want for a husband for his daughter. I’m gonna need all the help I can get to convince him. I know Gramps said if I get a chance to take it. I hope he understands it’s going to cost me his business.

Looking up at Niko I say, “If the price is right, I would sell.”

Niko’s wide eyes stare back at me unblinking. Grabbing me by the bicep he drags me further away from Howie before he starts talking.

“Renz, I think you have officially lost the plot here man. You can’t sell your Gramps’ business to what? Buy the mayor’s daughter? You’re sounding a lot more than just crazy.”

“You don’t understand,” I huff.

“You’re damn right, I don’t. You think because you made some pact nearly a decade ago you should sell your business to her dad so he will let you marry her? A business you said you would never think of selling. How well do you know this girl? It’s been eight years, she may not be the same person she was back then,” he pleads.

I close my eyes and roll my neck from side to side. One part of my brain understands he’s talking sense but it’s putting up a good fight with the other part that won’t listen to reason andcould care less about how crazy I sound right now. I made a pact with Sophia and I’m going to follow through with it. I peel my eyes open and stare at Niko for a moment without saying a word.

“Ah damn it Renz. Fine. If this is what you want to do then fine, I’ll support you. But when it all turns to shit, I’m gonna look you in the eye and you are gonna be able to read my mind because it’s gonna be a big, clear ‘I told you so’,” he huffs out, which makes me smile. I knew my best friend would have my back. We may not always agree on things, but we have each other's back regardless.

“Thanks Niko,” I say, patting him on the shoulder.

“So, what’s the plan?”

“I’m gonna go talk to Holden about marrying his daughter,” I tell him.

“For the record, I want it known that this is the craziest idea I think you’ve ever come up with.”

“Yeah, I heard you the first time,” I reply, laughing as I walk off to finish up on the car I was working on and give myself time to think through this plan. I know it’s crazy, but I can’t seem to stop myself from getting off the train.

Chapter Twelve


Smoothing my hands down my white t-shirt under my leather jacket, I try to wipe off the sweat on my hands as I sit patiently waiting for my meeting with the devil himself.

“He’ll see you now, Mr. Moretti,” his receptionist tells me.

“Thanks.” With a slight nod her way I make my way to the double oak doors and open the door to my possible future. Closing it silently behind me, I walk into his enormous office. I guess no expense was spared when it came to decorating the place. Sleek oak wooden bookshelves matching the doors line both sides of the room. Filled with books, all perfectly aligned with nothing out of place. I must stick out like an eye sore in this room. I wore my Sunday best, but when the rug on the floor costsmore than my mortgage, I know I have an uphill battle in front of me.

His wide desk sits in the middle of the room with a large window behind him, which lets in the sunshine from the early morning. I rocked up here first thing this morning and told his receptionist I wasn’t leaving without seeing Mr. Philips. It didn’t take long for her to squeeze me in. I can only guess I intrigued his curiosity and he wanted to see what I had to offer. Maybe he thinks I have finally agreed to sell to him.

Seated behind his desk, with a smarmy smile on his face, “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company on this early Thursday morning Mr. Moretti?”

I stand my ground, with a widened stance putting on a relaxed front when I can feel the sweat trickle down the back of my neck.

“I came here to make you a proposition,” I tell him. My voice surprisingly coming out strong and steady.

“Have you finally come to your senses and are ready to sell your business?” he asks, with a greed-filled gaze.
