Page 36 of All Of My Sundays

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He places some clothes by the sink before opening the shower door and turning on the water for me. He throws a towel over the top of the shower glass, so it’s easy for me to reach. He steps back to me, helping me stand.

“Can you undo the back of my dress please?” I ask, because my mother had to do up all the hooks for me as it’s a corset top.

“Sure,” he says.

I slowly turn and he starts unhooking them all the way to my lower back.

“All done. I’ll stand by the door and face it until you’re finished,” he tells me and I nod, which has my head throbbing. He moves away towards the door like he said and turns facing it.

I use the sink to hold on to for balance and I step out of the dress. My shoes are already missing which makes it easier. I unhook my bra and remove my underwear then step into the steaming water.

I pump some of his body wash into my hand and wash the best I can while still shaking and feeling weak. Worry settles in my stomach from my run-down state so I splash my face, rinse my mouth and body before shutting the water off. Running the towel over my body at a slow pace I then wrap it around myself before pushing open the door and stepping out.

True to his word, Lorenzo is facing the wall, waiting. I quickly grab the t-shirt he left, pulling it over my head. It falls to mid thigh so it’s a perfect fit for a nightie. He’s also left a pair of boxer shorts, so I carefully step into them and pull them into place.

Picking up the towel, I dry my hair the best I can while I say, “I’m decent,” to Lorenzo. He turns around smiling.

Holding out his hand he says, “Come on, let's get you to bed. Drop the towel on the floor, I’ll sort this all out later.”

I take his hand and he leads me to the far side of the bed, pulling the blanket free for me to get in.

“I’ll get you some pain relief and water,” he whispers, before leaving to head into the kitchen. He comes back with a glass of water before going into the bathroom and coming back with two Advil.

I take them, swallowing them with a couple sips of water.

“Get some sleep, Sophia,” he whispers, which has me resting my head against the pillow.

I hear him moving around but when it goes quiet, I peek open my eyes. He’s placed a blue bucket right beside the bed for me, just in case. He’s also grabbed a pillow and blanket so he can make up a bed on the floor to keep watch over me. Glancing athim, I see he’s changed out of his suit and now wears a singlet and boxer shorts before he pulls the blanket up to cover him.

His eyes find mine and he whispers, “Sleep,” while smiling at me.

“Thanks Lorenzo,” I whisper back, before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Chapter Seventeen


“Renz?” I hear whispered, which has me opening my eyes into the semi-dark room. Glancing around I locate the voice near the door. “Where’s your good pan with the heavy base?” Niko asks.

I wipe the sleep from my eyes before flicking the blanket off me. I stare at the bed, seeing Sophia and Ally are still fast asleep so I let them be and walk to the door, shutting it behind me. “It’s in the cupboard next to the oven,” I tell Niko, as I let out a yawn. I shake my wrist to check the time on my watch. It’s already 7.00am. I didn’t get much sleep as I kept waking to check on Sophia to make sure she wasn't vomiting again, but every time she was fast asleep in the same position as she is now.

“Gonna cook up some eggs and bacon. That should fix the girls’ hangovers,” Niko tells me, as he bangs around the kitchen gathering all the ingredients he needs. He’s over here as much as he is at his own place so knows where everything is, well except his so-called favourite pan apparently.

“Hopefully Sophia can keep it down,” I tell him.

“Was she still vomiting after I crashed out?” he asks.

He helped me get the girls upstairs before he crashed in the lounge. Ally passed out in his arms as soon as he picked her up and his foot hit the first step. I picked up Sophia as she was stumbling around and the rocking motion of me carrying her up the stairs wasn’t great for her stomach and that led to her bent over the toilet most of the night. Well, that and all the tequila and whiskey. Note for future reference: get her to stick to one type of liquor instead of mixing.

“Yeah, most of the night,” I tell him, as I take a seat at the kitchen island while he places bacon into the sizzling pan. “Can you grab me some water?” I ask, so he opens the fridge and throws me a bottle.

“I still can’t believe your brain haired plan worked and you got the girl,” he says, his back facing me as he laughs.

“Me too. I nearly lost it when I saw all the women wearing similar black dresses and wigs,” I admit.

“That mayor of ours is a prick, isn’t he? How many other guys do you think were trying to find her last night?”

“No idea. There was the phantom of the opera guy who seemed like he’d have his lips permanently stuck to Holden’s ass, so I’m glad he didn’t find her,” I tell him, scrunching my eyes as my head throbs from alcohol and lack of sleep. Niko’s boisterous laugh fills the room before he turns to me, pointing the tongs at me.
