Page 37 of All Of My Sundays

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“You, my friend, are an idiot. That girl wouldn’t have said yes to just anyone. It doesn’t matter if they had found her or not.They wouldn’t have gotten a yes. That is one thing I’m sure of,” he states, before he turns back to tend to the bacon.

Mulling over his words I can’t help but think he’s right. I don’t think Sophia would have said yes to just anyone. Niko’s chuckle draws my attention to him.

“She’s as crazy as you are for going along with this pact you guys made. You’re both abnormal in my books,” he says, as his laughing continues.

“Normal is overrated,” I tell him, taking a sip of my water.

That makes him laugh more before he says, “Too right, my brother.”

The creak of the door has our heads whipping in that direction.

“Hey,” Sophia says, as she squints an eye.

I take her in, standing there in my black Metallica t-shirt that falls over my boxers she’s wearing. My heart rate increases, and I must say I enjoy seeing her in my clothes. It’s like a primal part of my psyche has awoken at the sight.

“Morning. How are you feeling?” I ask, pulling out the stool next to me as she slowly steps towards me.

“Just peachy,” she says, before lowering her cheek to the kitchen island. She closes her eyes and sighs at the cool marble against her skin. I let out a chuckle at her misfortune because she looks cute even though she probably isn’t feeling the best.

“Is that bacon I smell?” Ally asks, as she waltzes through my bedroom door with her black gown still on like she hasn’t got a hangover at all.

“Sure is. You want some with eggs?” Niko asks her.

“Yes please. A man who knows the way to a woman’s heart,” she says, patting Niko on the back as she passes him to come sit on my other side.

“Isn’t that the way to a man’s heart?” he asks.

“I eat like a man so po-tay-toe, pa-ta-toe.”

Niko finishes cooking the bacon then cracks eggs into the pan.

“Anyone want a coffee?” I ask.

“I’ll take mine black,” Ally responds.

“Yeah, I’ll have one,” Niko says.

“Sophia?” I prompt, as she still rests with her cheek pressed against the cool black marble.

“I guess I can try it and see if I can keep it down. I’ll have one with two sugars and a splash of milk please,” she says, her eyes never opening.

“You got it,” I tell her, pushing my stool back and walking around the kitchen island next to Niko. I fill the kettle to boil and grab four mugs, making their coffees as they like. I already know Niko’s which is coffee and cream. He hates white sugar and will add the artificial stuff which I don’t keep in the apartment. He follows the keto diet, so he is currently making bacon and eggs without toast. I prefer mine like Sophia’s, so I make ours the same. One less thing for me to remember.

Handing out the mugs once I’m done, Niko slides plates of bacon and eggs in front of everyone. Sophia raises her head and I watch as her nose scrunches.

“It might make your tummy settle a bit,” I tell her.

“I’ve never been this hungover before. Is this a normal thing to eat greasy food after you’ve been vomiting?” she asks quietly, not wanting the others to overhear.

“Yeah, people reckon it helps soak up the alcohol in your stomach. I don’t know if it’s correct, but it usually does the trick for me,” I say, stabbing my fork into my scrambled eggs and enjoying the first mouthful.

Sophia tentatively takes a smaller forkful and lifts it to her mouth, chewing before swallowing.

“Take it slow. There’s no rush,” I tell her, nudging her arm. Niko takes the remaining seat next to Ally and silence falls over us as we all dig into our food.

Niko and I finish quickly, and Ally isn’t too far behind. She wasn’t kidding about eating like a man. I pick up my coffee holding it in two hands and let the warmth flood into my palms before taking a sip.

I glance at Sophia's plate, and she’s eaten about half of what Niko gave her, which is more than I thought she would with her queasy stomach.
