Page 80 of All Of My Sundays

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“Okay,” she agrees. We sit in silence for a bit, dwelling in our own thoughts before a lady in purple scrubs wheels in a portable ultrasound machine.

“Hi, I’m Tia, I’m here to do an ultrasound,” she states, as she sets everything up. I hold onto Sophia’s hand, and she squeezes mine tight. “I’ll get you to lift your gown and cover the bottom half of you with the blanket so I can see your stomach,” she instructs.

Sophia lifts her gown and Tia squirts a gel onto her stomach.

“Sorry, this might be cold,” she says, as she waves the wand around, spreading the gel. Sophia squeezes my hand harder, and I return the gesture as my heart beats wildly in my chest. Tia is quiet for a few minutes while she presses buttons on her machine before she turns the screen to us. “This little blob looking thing right here,” she points to the screen, “is your baby. It measures about six weeks. I’m going to turn this up and see if we can hear the heartbeat,” she says, before a galloping noise comes from the machine. My eyes widen as Sophia’s grip tightens and I turn to her. Her face blurs as I take in her glassy eyes. Her thumb wipes away the tear that has leaked out of my own eye.

“I’ll leave you two to it. There’s a couple pics as well,” Tia says, before she quietly leaves the room with her machine.

“We’re having a baby,” Sophia gushes, and I reach for her, pressing my head into the crook of her neck.

“We’re having a baby,” I repeat, as a smile lights up my face. I lean back and cup her face as we stupidly smile at each other.

“People may think we are crazy, but I don’t care. I’m crazy about you and that’s all that matters,” I tell her, as I take her lips in mine and let happiness wash over me.

Chapter Thirty Two


Lorenzo treated me so delicately as he took me home this morning. We are still living in our bubble not having told anyone our news. Lorenzo rang Niko while I rang Ally but apart from those two, it’s one big secret. We’ve been resting in bed all day since I got home, and my mum has been ringing but I’ve been avoiding her calls. It’s now late afternoon and there’s a knock on the front door.

“I’ll grab it,” Lorenzo says, kissing my head before he hops off the bed. He leaves the bedroom door open so I can hear him.

“Is Sophia here?” my mum’s shaky voice asks.

“Is everything okay?” I hear Lorenzo ask, before my mum’s head pops into my doorway.

“Oh Sophia,” she says, as she rushes to my side of the bed and pulls me into a hug.

“Mum? Are you alright?” I ask, as this isn’t normal behaviour for her.

She leans back and stares at me before she takes my hand in hers.

“I’ve got some news. It’s about your father.”

“What’s he done now?” Lorenzo scoffs, as he takes his seat back beside me.

“Well, he’s dead,” she states.

“Dead?” I shriek, caught off guard.

“What?” Lorenzo asks.

“Yes, dead as a doornail. And you know what? Good riddance. I’m sorry Sophia but your father was a horrible man. I should have left him years ago, but he threatened to marry you off to some old buddies of his and I couldn’t let him do that. So good riddance I say. I’m sorry I haven’t been honest with you about him, but I did hope he would change,” she rushes out, and I sit there in shock listening to her talk.

“How did it happen?” Lorenzo asks, probably not sure how to respond to the rest of her rambling. Her loud laughter has me wondering if she’s lost her mind and is in shock herself.

“That’s the best part. The police rocked up to the house today and were planning to arrest him on embezzlement charges and then while they were talking to me, another pair of police men turned up to deliver the news he was dead. He had a heart attack at that brothel on the outskirts of town apparently. The prostitute fucked the life right out of him, she did,” Mum says, which causes Lorenzo to howl with laughter which Mum joins in with. I can’t hold my laughter in anymore either. He was my dadand I do feel sad, but he had it coming to him. So, the three of us sit there laughing uncontrollably for a good few minutes.

When the laughter dies down Lorenzo squeezes my hand.

“Mum, we have some news.”

“Yes?” She looks between us expectedly.

“I’m pregnant,” I squeal, and she covers her mouth with her hand before tears stream down her face.

“Oh, golly that’s the icing on the cake of a perfect day. Congratulations both of you,” she says, before wrapping me in a hug.
