Page 81 of All Of My Sundays

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“Do you want a coffee or tea Kennedy?” Lorenzo asks.

“I’ll have a black tea if you have some please.”

“Coming right up,” he says, before he kisses my forehead and turns to leave.

“Oh Lorenzo, I’m pretty sure with the embezzlement charges against Holden, the contract you signed for the sale of your auto shop will be null and void now. It’ll take a long time for the police to go through all Holden’s accounts and transactions, so I’d say you won’t have to move premises if you don’t want to,” she states, and Lorenzo’s mouth pops open.

“Really?” he squeals, and I cover my own mouth with my hand to cover my laughter at his pure joy. He looks like a kid who got his favourite toy back.

“Yeah. I’ll have our lawyer look it all over and reach out to you and let you know personally,” Mum tells him, and Lorenzo steps towards her and wraps her in a hug himself before releasing her to go and make her tea. She turns to me with a wide smile on her face.

“I am so happy for you honey. Lorenzo is a good man and I’m sorry for anything hurtful I’ve said in the past few weeks about him. I knew he signed a contract with your father so I worried he was in it to benefit himself through Holden, but I cansee that's not the case. I only wanted what’s best for you, but I see now he loves you.”

“Thanks Mum. It may not have been the most conventional way of everything turning out but I’m happier than I’ve ever been before,” I gush.

“Now don’t worry about Dad’s funeral or anything, I will have a small service, but I’m tempted to send him to be buried with no service for what he’s done. It’s up to you if you want to attend or not as well but I totally understand if you don’t,” she says.

“Let me know the details and I’ll let you know.”

“Tea’s ready,” Lorenzo calls out, as he knocks on the door. We all walk down to the kitchen and spend the rest of the afternoon gushing over baby stuff and my mum saying she’s too young to be called Nana. It did turn into the perfect day and my heart couldn’t feel any lighter.

Chapter Thirty Three



“Renzo?” I call out, as I walk down the hallway to the kitchen.

“Morning, how are you feeling?” he asks, as he turns to me from where he stands at the stove shirtless, cooking.

“Like death. Why do they call it morning sickness if I get sick all night,” I whine, as he holds up an arm for me to cuddle under. My arms wrap around his waist as he kisses my head.

“I’m cooking eggs. Would you like some?”

“Maybe after some ginger beer,” I moan, as I want to eat and drink what I used to but now I must worry about things coming back up if my stomach doesn’t agree with it.

He grabs a glass from the cabinet and hands it to me. The fridge door needs an extra tug to release and then I grab the bottle out to pour the amber liquid into my glass.

“Are you and your mum still going shopping?” he asks, as he begins plating our eggs and toast for us as I pull out a chair and bring the glass to my lips for a sip.

“Yeah. Are you sure you don’t want to come along? Shouldn’t we be doing all the baby shopping together?” I ask, as my head tilts to the side.

“I don’t mind. It’ll be good for you and your mum to have some time to get your relationship back on track and if baby shopping helps then I’m all for it. Don’t make any of the bigger purchases. How about you make a note of what you like and then you and I can make the final decision together. Deal?” he suggests.

“Deal. That sounds perfect. Mum and I can gush over all the baby clothes.” I can’t help the excitement bubbling out of me. It still doesn’t feel real some days that I’m pregnant.

“Well eat up so you’ve got energy for all the shopping you two are likely to do.”

“You know when all of Dad’s money affairs are sorted, I was thinking we could pay off the mortgage on this place. Mum reckons I should be getting an inheritance when the lawyers sort it all out.”

“You don’t have to do that Sophia.”

I reach across the table and grasp his hand before I say, “We’re a team Renzo. It’ll be our money, and this is our home. Plus, if the mortgage is paid off then you could ease up with work and possibly give up the job at the bar so you can have more timeat home for when the baby arrives. It’s purely selfish reasons,” I tease.

“You know that sounds perfect to me. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the bar job as I was thinking it’s becoming unrealistic to travel back and forth so much.”

“See, paying off the mortgage would make it easier. Will Ted be alright if you leave?”
