Page 82 of All Of My Sundays

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“Yeah, he’d be happy for me as I have a beautiful wife I need to come home to every night now,” he says, as he winks at me.

“Is that so?” I smile at his remark.

“It is. Now eat up before I get hungry for my wife and then you have to cancel shopping with your mum,” he teases.

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” I tease back.

“Later trouble.” I let out a laugh before I finish my ginger beer and then take small bite sizes of my eggs, seeing how my stomach feels as I eat.


“What about this one?” Mum asks, as she holds up a newborn grey overall set with a cartoon elephant on the front.

“Oooh that’s so cute,” I gush, as I reach for it and hold it in my hands before dropping it in the trolley which is filling fast with baby clothes and accessories.

“We’ve gotta make sure we don’t get too many newborn sizes in case the baby is bigger and doesn’t fit newborn sizing,” Mum informs me.

“I hope the baby isn’t too big so that I can’t push it out.” My feet stop in their tracks as the thought of pushing a baby out hits me.

“You’ll be fine Sophia. You were nearly nine pounds and I birthed you fine,” she tells me, as she links an arm through mine and pushes the trolley with her other hand.

“I’m glad we have been able to reconnect Mum. I know we haven’t always had the best relationship, but I feel without Dad in the way we are starting to rebuild it and that makes me happy,” I admit, and my mum stops us. Tears shine along her lower lashes before she pulls me in for a tight hug.

“I’m glad too honey. I’m so sorry for everything over the years. I wish I’d been strong enough to stand up to your father when I had the chance,” her shaky voice says.

“Let’s focus on the future and our fresh start. We don’t need him tainting any more of our lives.”

“What a fresh start it’ll be with the new bundle of joy. I’m so excited to be a nana although I still think I’m way too young,” she states, which makes me laugh.

“Well, it’s either grandma or nana so take your pick,” I tease, which causes her to frown at the thought.

“Would Nanny be better?” she suggests, making me laugh more.

“Come on Mum, we can worry about that later, let's pick out some more clothes.” We spend another few hours walking around several shops buying different sized unisex clothes. Mum comes in handy, telling me about all the things I will need that haven’t crossed my mind. I gotta admit it’s nice to have this mother daughter moment.

I went most of my life thinking my mum was too hard on me and like my father, but I was wrong as she’s nothing like him. She was just a scared woman who didn’t have the courage to stick up for herself but I’m glad she’s free of the burden of my father now. I can only hope she will find her own happiness in the future, whatever that may look like.

Chapter Thirty Four



“Lorenzo, you under there?” Niko’s voice calls out, above the music. My feet shuffle me out from under the car I’m working on then I stand to greet him.

“You good? What brings you in on your day off?” I ask, as I grab the rag from my back pocket and wipe the grease from my hands.

“Well, your darling wife rang me. I’m on strict orders to drag you out of here and we are to go straight to your house and put the baby furniture together,” he explains, which has my eyesdarting to where my wife sits at her reception desk, shuffling papers and pretending like she doesn’t know what’s going on.

It takes ten steps before I’m in front of her and I wait for her to look up. Her usual pink tinge colours her cheeks as she knows exactly why I’m standing there.

“You could have just asked me,” I joke, and she lets out a huff.

“You don’t understand the anxiety these baby hormones are creating. I need it done now Renzo. Not next week or next month and I don’t want to hear we still have time. My brain is telling me I need the baby’s room done today.” Her chest heaves from her rambling and I can’t help the laugh that escapes me.

“Okay little bird, I hear you. Can you get Howie to finish this car when he comes back from lunch?”

“I’ve already sorted it. You’re welcome.” This time I laugh louder.
