Page 83 of A Vicious Proposal

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My mouth drops open in shock. How did Van not know this?

“Did his arrest make the papers?”

The chief sits down in his chair, a smug look on his face, and shrugs. “You’ll have to ask them.”

I don’t need to ask them because I’ve already checked.

“Why was his arrest kept a secret?”

“It wasn’t.”

None of this makes sense.

“Listen, I understand your disappointment, Mrs. Cain. I’m sorry your friend didn’t get the closure he or she needed, but the case is closed.”

How can it be closed? How can Van still be searching for this man and not know he’s dead?

The chief takes a step back. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I need to speak with my nephew.”

I step in front of him, blocking his way to the door. “I have one more question.”

He sighs. “What is it?”

“My husband, Assistant District Attorney Alistair Cain, was arrested here many years ago.”

The chief chuckles. “I bet your parents are proud of you both.”

Fuck him.

“They are, but that’s beside the point. I want to know who called in the anonymous tip that led to his arrest.” Because it certainly wasn’t me.

“I’ll have to check our records. Do I have your word that no harm will come to this person?” I can’t speak for Van, but I can for myself.

“Blake has my number—and needs a ride home—but yes, you have my word. No harm will come to this person.” I step back and drop my hand, still holding the chief’s eyes.

“But don’t let my mercy fool you. If I don’t hear from you in two days, I’ll drop in for a visit. You won’t see me coming, but you will witness the wake of my destruction.”


I’m going to kill her—right here on the chief’s doorstep.

“Van,” she gasps. “What—oh, never mind, I know what you’re doing here.”

She sends me a glare that will get her spanked later and takes my hand, pulling me to the car like I’m obnoxious.

“Bach. Tennyson.” She greets my brothers as she flops onto the passenger seat, already rolling her window down. “Thanks for the company, Shakespeare. I’ll see you at home if your brother doesn’t have a horrible case of PMS.”

“What are you two? Fucking besties now?”

I can feel the jealousy creep up my neck, heating my skin with a delightful shade of red.

“Can I not have friends? Or is that another unspoken rule?”

I can’t deal with her, not after the day I’ve had tracking her ass down. “Ride with Shakespeare,” I bark out to my brothers. “Give us some privacy.”

“Uh-oh,” Bach teases. “Looks like someone’s upset.”
