Page 33 of After the Storm

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“Tell me.”

“I took Honey out this morning for the first time, and she was really off. Lethargic and tired. I’ve noticed she’s lost some weight, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen her, so I thought maybe it was due to her age.”

“Doesn’t your dad have a private equestrian doctor that he flies here from the city weekly?” I knew this because he’d come to me about working for him when I’d first moved back to town, but I couldn’t run this practice and take care of his ranch. Not when I was balancing a newborn at the time, as well.

“Yeah, Dr. Flank was here, and he completely ignored my concern. He said she’s old and that this happens. But I asked Butch about her, and he said she hadn’t been eating or drinking much in the last two weeks. He shared it with Dr. Flank, as well. Yet the guy doesn’t appear to be concerned at all!” Her voice cracked on the last word, and I could tell she was getting worked up.

Presley was always in control of her emotions, unless it involved her horses. She was fiercely protective, but she also knew a whole lot about them, and she wouldn’t be concerned if there wasn’t reason to be.

“Any other symptoms?” I asked as I closed my computer and reached for my keys.

“Aside from her not eating or drinking, I’ve noticed that she’s drooling a lot, and her mucus appears to be tinged with blood.”

“Stay with her and keep her comfortable until I get there. I’ve got to grab Gracie from school, so I’ll need to bring her with me.”

“You’re coming here?”

“Is that not why you called?” I asked dryly.

“I thought you’d give me some medical advice. I didn’t mean to pull you away from work.”

“I’m done here for the day. I can’t assess her over the phone. I have an idea what it is, but I can’t be certain until I come and look at her for myself.”

“Thank you. I can watch Gracie while you examine her.”

That same sharp pain hit me square in the chest again. It was my gut warning me to back the fuck off. Seeing her with Wes the other night had me on edge. They’d left together, so who the hell knew what that meant. Maybe they were staying together.

At the end of the day, she wouldn’t be here long. Whether she stayed with her asshole ex or not, her life was not here. It was important that I remembered that. And being around her again after all these years had me feeling completely out of control.

I’d been ready to knock her ex the fuck out.

I had Gracie to think about now. I couldn’t act recklessly.

“I’ll see you soon.”

I made my way out of the office and picked up Gracie from school. She talked a mile a minute from the moment she was buckled up in the back seat, just like she always did.

“This isn’t the way to our house, Daddy. Where are we going?”

“Do you remember that friend of mine that you met the other day?”

She started clapping her hands. “Presley? Of course, I remember her. She shares your heart with me.”

I thought kids were supposed to be fucking forgetful. Why did mine have to be the one that remembered every single thing she’d ever heard?

“Listen, Gracie girl…You’vegot my whole heart. We’ve got to stop by Presley’s family’s ranch to check on a horse that isn’t feeling well. How about we don’t talk about Daddy’s heart while we’re there because I’m working, okay?”

“You can’t talk about your heart at work?”

“I’d rather not,” I said as I pulled down the long driveway and headed toward the barn.

“Because you’re a doctor, and you don’t want people to know you have me and Presley in your heart? It’s a secret, Daddy?”

I put the truck in park. “Me loving you is never a secret. But I just don’t want to be talking about it when I’m at work. Does that make sense?”

For the love of God, just let her say yes.

“Oh, so other people don’t know. Okay. I promise I won’t tell the other people about your heart, Daddy.”
