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Dex grabs a mug and pours himself some coffee. "I'm more of a 'solve it as you go' kind of guy. But I get it, you're looking for answers."

"Answers, truths, revelations - I'm not fussy," I say, trying to keep the conversation light despite the heavy thoughts weighing on my mind.

Liam and Dex exchange a look, one of those 'biker telepathy' moments. Dex finally breaks the silence. "Listen, Emma, there's a lot at stake here. More than you might realize. We're all walking a tightrope."

I set down my fork, my appetite suddenly gone. "I get that I'm the outsider here, but I'm not just some nosy reporter anymore. I care about what happens to this club too you guys."

Dex moves closer, his expression earnest. "And we care about what happens to you. That's why we can't just lay it all out there. It's not just about protecting the club; it's about keeping you safe."

I look between Dex and Liam, seeing the sincerity in their eyes. It's frustrating, being kept in the dark, but I can't ignore the concern they're showing.

"Okay, I'll back off... for now," I concede, pushing my plate away. "But I'm not giving up on finding out what's going on. And I'm definitely not giving up on you guys."

Dex cracks a smile, the tension in the room easing slightly. "That's the spirit. Just... be careful, okay?"

I nod, a determined spark igniting within me. Today might not be the day I uncover all the secrets of the Angel Riders, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. And with Dex, Liam, and even Jake - in his own gruff way - in my corner, I feel like I can take on the world.

As I leave the kitchen, I feel their eyes on me, a mix of admiration and concern.

The day stretches out before me, filled with possibilities and hidden truths. One thing's for sure: it's going to be anything but boring.

* * *

After breakfast,I wander around the clubhouse, my brain buzzing like a bee in a jar. There's this gnawing feeling in my gut that I'm missing a huge piece of the puzzle. And today, I'm determined to find it.

I sneak into Jake's office, the heart of the clubhouse, feeling like a cat burglar. The room smells like leather and motor oil, a scent that's become strangely comforting. I scan the desk, papers strewn about – nothing out of the ordinary, just club business and some bills. But then, my eyes catch a glimpse of something different, tucked away under a stack of papers.

It's a ledger, but not like any ledger I've seen before. I flip through the pages, my heart starting to race. Numbers, dates, names – it's all here. Payments, large sums, moving in and out at a dizzying pace. This isn't just club finances; this is something else, something bigger.

Money laundering. The words hit me like a bucket of cold water. My mind races, connecting dots I didn't even know were there. All this time, right under my nose. The late-night meetings, the guarded conversations, the tension in the air – it all makes sense now.

I feel sick, like I've swallowed a stone. Betrayal stings my eyes, tears threaten to spill. How could they? Jake, Dex, Liam... Did they all know? Were they all part of this?

Footsteps outside the door snap me back to reality. I shove the ledger back where I found it and slip out of the office, my heart pounding a frenzied beat against my ribs.

I make my way outside, needing air, needing space. My mind is a whirlwind of confusion and hurt. The men I'm falling for, the men I thought I knew – they're criminals. And I'm the fool who almost got swept up in their world.

As I lean against the clubhouse wall, taking in shaky breaths, Dex finds me. His face lights up when he sees me, but it quickly falls when he takes in my expression.

"Emma? What's wrong?" he asks, concern etching his features.

I want to scream, to shout, to throw the truth in his face. But the words stick in my throat. "I... I need some time, Dex," is all I manage, my voice a mere whisper.

Dex steps closer, a frown creasing his brow. "Talk to me, Emma. Whatever it is, we can fix it."

But can we? I look up into his eyes, searching for a sign of the man I thought I knew. "I found the ledger, Dex. I know about the money laundering."

Dex's face goes pale, the weight of my words hitting him like a physical blow. "Emma, it's not what you think. Let me explain…”

I stride away from Dex, the revelation about the money laundering burning in my brain like a flare. The betrayal feels like a bitter pill stuck in my throat. How could they all keep this from me? I trusted them, and they lied. Every. Single. Time.

The clubhouse, once a place of intrigue and excitement, now feels like a stage for a play I never auditioned for. I can feel Dex's eyes on my back, but I don't look back. I can't.

I'm not just angry; I'm furious. Furious and heartbroken. All I can do is pace in my room, trying to piece together a puzzle where all the pieces have just been flipped upside down.

Sleep? Yeah, right. Tonight, it's just me and my thoughts, going round and round in a never-ending dance. And I'm leading it.


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