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Waking up the next day, there's no shake-off-the-cobwebs feeling. It's straight into a mental whirlwind. I had no choice but to confront them – Jake, Dex, Liam – about the money laundering. I can't just pretend everything's peachy.

I find them in the clubhouse, huddled around a table, looking like they're plotting the next big blockbuster heist movie. "We need to talk," I say, my voice a blend of nerves and determination.

Jake looks up, his eyes shadowed. "Emma, this isn't the best time..."

"No, it's the perfect time," I cut him off. Dex and Liam exchange glances, but I'm not backing down. "The money laundering. Why didn't you tell me?"

The silence is heavy, weighted with unspoken truths. Finally, Jake speaks, his voice low. "It's complicated, Emma. We were trying to protect you."

"By lying to me?" My words are sharp, laced with hurt. "I thought I meant more than that. Or was I just a convenient cover story."

Liam steps in, his voice calm but firm.

"It wasn't like that, Emma. We're in deep, and we're trying to get out. It's dangerous, and we didn't want you to get caught in the crossfire."

Dex's gaze is steady. "We all care about you, Emma. More than you know. But this world... it's not kind."

I'm seething, but there's a part of me that understands their twisted logic. They're caught in a web of their own making, and now I'm stuck in it too. "So, what now? I'm just supposed to accept it and move on?"

Jake gets to his feet, "We'll fix this. I promise."

Their assurances feel hollow, but I see the sincerity in their eyes. It's a mess, a dangerous, complicated mess, and I'm right in the middle of it.

The tension in the clubhouse is palpable as the night deepens. Everyone seems on edge and I can't shake the feeling that I'm walking a tightrope, balancing between trust and betrayal, love and anger.

I'm sitting on a couch, lost in thought, when Dex approaches me. His face is a mask of concern. "Emma, you okay?"

I manage a weak smile. "Just trying to process everything."

He sits beside me, "It's a lot to take in. I wish things were different."

His honesty cuts through the chaos in my head. "Me too, Dex. But we're here now, and we have to deal with it."

Dex nods, his hand finding mine, squeezing gently. It's a simple gesture, but it speaks volumes.

Liam joins us, his expression somber. "We're making a plan, Emma. We're going to fix this. Together."

The resolve in his voice is reassuring.

"What's the plan?" I ask, needing to know more.

"We're doing one last job for them," Jake says, joining us. "After that, they've promised to let us go."

I frown, skepticism mixing with fear. "Can we trust them?"

Jake's gaze is steady. "We have to try. It's the only way out."

The decision is made, the path set. The Angel Riders MC is going to take a dangerous gamble, and I'm part of it, whether I like it or not.

Despite the fear, the uncertainty, there's a sense of unity that binds us together.

"We've got your back, Emma," Dex says, his voice firm. "No matter what happens."

I nod, drawing strength from their support. "And I've got yours."

We part ways, each lost in our own thoughts, but bound by a common goal. I head to my room, my mind racing with the events of the day and the challenges that lay ahead.
