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My job, my career – they have always been my anchor, my identity. But now, it's tangled up with them, with the club. Can I still be Emma the journalist, or have I crossed a line I can't uncross?

I stand up, and pace around the room. This isn't just about choosing love; it's about choosing a life. A life where I'm not just someone's girlfriend but a part of something bigger, messier, more real than any story I've ever written.

The decision looms over me, a shadow I can't shake. Do I embrace this unconventional love, this uncharted path with Jake, Dex, and Liam? Or do I hold onto the Emma I've always known, the one with a notepad in one hand and a pen in the other, standing on the outside looking in?

I pause by the mirror, looking at my reflection. The woman staring back is familiar, yet different. Stronger, braver, more open to the wild turns of life.

Okay, Emma,I mutter to myself,time to figure out your heart. And maybe your head, too.

With a deep breath, I grab my jacket and step out of my room. The clubhouse is quiet, the early risers just starting their day. I need fresh air, and space to think before I dive into conversations that could change everything.

As I walk outside, the cool morning air feels like a splash of clarity. Life's thrown me a curveball, and it's time to swing.

I've always been the girl who jumps into the deep end and embraces the adventure. Maybe it's time to accept that love, for me, isn't a straight path. It's a winding road, full of surprises and heart-stopping turns.

And as for my job, my passion for journalism? That's not going anywhere. I can write my stories without losing myself. I can be Emma, the journalist, the lover, the adventurer.

But first, I need to talk to them. Jake, Dex, Liam. It's time to lay all our cards on the table.

I head back inside, ready to face the music. My heart's a drumbeat, loud and clear. Let's do this.

Stepping into the clubhouse, the sound of clinking mugs and morning chatter fills the air. I spot Jake in the corner, his attention fixed on a newspaper. He looks up as I approach, his eyes searching mine.

"Hey, Jake," I begin, my voice steady despite the butterflies doing acrobatics in my stomach. "Can we talk? Somewhere private?"

He nods, folding the newspaper and standing up. "Sure, Emma. Let's step outside."

We find ourselves in a quiet spot by the back porch, the early sun casting long shadows on the ground. Jake leans against the railing, his posture relaxed but his eyes revealing a depth of seriousness.

"Emma, what's on your mind?" he asks, his voice low, a hint of concern threading through it.

I take a deep breath. "Jake, this... us, it's not simple. I mean, when is love ever simple, right? But this is... it's more. You, Dex, Liam, and me, we're...unconventional, to say the least."

He watches me, his expression unreadable. "I know it's not typical, but Emma, what we have, it’s real. At least, it is for me."

I look into his eyes, seeing the sincerity there. "It's real for me too, Jake. But it's also scary. I'm trying to figure out where I fit into all this. With you, with Dex and Liam. I'm not just choosing a relationship; I'm choosing a whole new life."

Jake reaches out, his hand gently brushing mine. "Emma, I won't lie and say it will be easy. But I want you in my life, in our lives. I care about you more than I thought I could."

His touch sends a shiver down my spine, a reminder of the connection we share. "And my job, Jake? I'm a journalist. That's not just what I do; it's who I am. Can I really blend that with... this?"

He nods, understanding the weight of my words. "I think you can. You're strong, Emma. You've shown us that. You don't have to lose who you are to be with us. In fact, that's the last thing any of us want."

I let his words sink in, feeling the tight knot in my chest loosen slightly. Jake, with his quiet strength and unexpected vulnerability, is offering a kind of love I never knew existed.

"Thank you, Jake," I say, my voice soft. Before I can pull away, Jake steps closer, tilting my chin up gently. His eyes hold mine, in them, I see a world of possibilities, a future that’s uncertain but inviting.

He leans down, his lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss. It’s a promise, a silent conversation that says more than words ever could. When he pulls back, there’s a softness in his smile, a tenderness that makes my heart skip a beat.

“I need to think to figure out how I feel about everything. But knowing you’re there, that you all are, it means more than you know,” I whisper, my words barely audible.

He smiles, a genuine, warm smile that reaches his eyes. "Take your time, Emma. We're here, no matter what you decide."

As we head back inside, I feel a mixture of relief and uncertainty. This conversation with Jake is just the beginning, but it's a start—a step towards understanding my heart and where my future lies.

Stepping away from Jake, my heart still thrumming from our exchange, I find Dex tinkering with a bike in the garage. The air smells like oil and metal, a scent I've come to associate with the heart of this place.

"Hey, Dex," I call out, my voice echoing slightly in the cavernous space.

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