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I sit up so fast I conk my head on the cabinet before I clear it.

With a loud expletive that is definitely not the sort of thing I would normally say in front of Jackson, I hold my aching head with one hand and give him a hard look.

His eyes are round but we both bust out laughing.

"Donottell you mother I said that word!" I warn him, even as the woman in question bursts through the door that leads to the clinic out front.



Acrash sounds from inside the house and I'm immediately worried about Jackson, until I hear the deep, male voice utter a four-letter word that I definitely do not want Jackson repeating.

Fortunately, there aren't any patients in the clinic at the moment and I can leave the computer to go see what's going on.

When I get through the door that divides the clinic from the house, I find Rapid and Jackson on the kitchen floor laughing hysterically-- although Rapid is holding his hand to his head and there's a trickle of blood making its way out from under his hand.

"It wasn't me, Mom!"

"It was me," Rapid admits, "I'm sorry, I hit my head."

"Yeah, let me look."

"It's fine," he tells me, brushing my hands away when I try to get a closer look. "It looks worse than it is; you know how head wounds bleed," he says, getting to his feet and wetting a paper towel to hold against it.

"This, coming from the man who came to see me over a scratch that wouldn't have even made Jackson stop playing?"

The delicious looking man at my sink gives me a bashful grin.

"I might have had an ulterior motive for that," he confesses.

"Mom, can I go see if Cody's home?"

"Yeah, but if you're going to stay over there, text me and let me know where you are, okay?"

" 'Kay, see ya guys later, then." And just like that, he's out the door.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, finally managing to pry Rapid's hand off his wound so I can get a look at it. "I thought you weren't coming back for a few more days."

It really is just a nick. It's already stopped bleeding.

"I wanted to get this dishwasher fixed for you guys," he says, "and I thought I'd get to see Jax one more time before he left with his dad for the week..."

My face must show how I feel about that.

"Yeah, what the fuck's that about anyway?"

Rapid sounds pissed.

I just shake my head.

"Jax said he hasn't even seen his dad since you guys move up here? I thought you said your ex made good money, getting out this way to see his son shouldn't be a hardship."

"It's not the money. Arnold didn't stick to the custody schedule even when we were in the same zip code. It's why I didn't have trouble moving Jackson out of state when I took this job. And since we moved up here, Arnold's promised at least five times that he's going to fly out to see Jackson.

"He never shows. It's always something."

"That's fucking bullshit, Sage," he mutters, dropping back down to crawl under the sink. "Men like that shouldn't be allowed to be fathers."
