Page 158 of A Second Dawn

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As the car comes to a stop, a nurse pushes a wheelchair forward. Tiero gets out of the car, speaking briefly to a man I recognize from Sicily.

I can’t remember his name, but he’s Mariella’s father and my instant dislike for him is back. Everything about him screams ‘prick’. The way he talked to his daughter still makes me want to slap him.

I wonder what happened to Mariella after I left. Did she get married? I must ask Tiero.

And Alonso? Crap, why haven’t I asked yet if he recovered? I can’t even contemplate the other possibility.

But first things first. With Tiero out of earshot, I turn to Aiden.

“Ade,” I call, but there’s no reaction from him. My worry for him grows.

Rhia takes my hand to get my attention, her eyes understanding and compassionate. “Claudette and I will look after him, I promise. You get that arm checked and make sure my niece is okay.”

Despite the tension in my body, I smile. I love that she refers to peanut as her niece.

“Thank you,” I mumble just as Tiero reaches into the car to hoist me up, bridal-style.

“I can walk. My legs are fine.”

“Don’t care,” he says, grinning down at me, and I give him an exaggerated eye roll. I missed Mr. Bossy Pants.

He brushes past the waiting wheelchair and carries me into the hospital like I’m made of bubble wrap. Despite the increasing pain in my arm and my sore back, I can’t help but smile.

We’re ushered into an examination room, the sterile scent of antiseptic hitting me as we step inside. A hospital doctor enters right behind us, all professional smiles, and points to a bed. Tiero lowers me onto it and stands beside me. He takes my right hand in his, a mixture of concern and annoyance etched onto his face.

Dr. Agosti joins us and proceeds to share his diagnosis regarding my arm, back and pregnancy. As he recounts the incident, I try not to let my imagination run wild with worst-case scenarios.

Dr. Smith prods and pokes my injured arm and decides an X-ray is in order.

“Is an X-ray safe for her and the baby?” Tiero’s question catches me off guard, and I’m reminded once again of his protective nature.

The doctor addresses Tiero’s concern. “Yes, considering the injury is to the arm, the risk is negligible. We’ll take all necessary precautions to ensure both Miss O’Neil and the baby are safe.”

As the doctor leaves to make the arrangements, Tiero motions to Dr. Agosti to follow him. “Make sure everything is in order.” He nods and exits the room.

Tiero comes to stand in front of me and pulls me against his body, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. The comfort of his touch melts away my worries and fears… even if only for a few seconds.

I appreciate he doesn’t tell me that everything will be fine, because at this point we have nothing to back up such a claim. He promised not to lie to me, and he’s taking it seriously.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter against his chest, letting out a shaky breath.

“Why are you sorry? Slipping on an icy step wasn’t your fault.”

“I should have been more careful.”

If I hadn’t been upset after my conversation with Ade, would I have been more present and avoided this fall?

Those treacherous what-ifs… they’re toxic. Even though I know that, they seem impossible to ignore.

When Tiero lets go of me to cradle my face in his hands, I can’t bring myself to meet his gaze, as if avoiding eye contact will somehow shield me from the intensity of my own thoughts.

Our precious baby’s well-being hangs in the balance. If anything were to go wrong, if I were to lose peanut, would Tiero blame me? The weight of that possibility threatens to overwhelm my already anxious heart.

My fingers trace patterns on the thin paper sheet covering the bed as I ignore his stare.

“Angel, look at me.” Reluctantly, I lift my eyes to his.

I’m met with so much tenderness and love, it touches the very core of my being.
