Page 47 of A Second Dawn

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“The road ahead is unclear and full of challenges. But you are not facing them alone. You have me. I want to be by your side every step of the way.”

Tears fill my eyes. I wish I could suppress them. Aiden’s words touch my heart and take root in my soul.

“If you let me, I’d like to raise this child with you… as if it was my own.”

I stare at him wide-eyed.


“How can you say that, Aiden? How can you promise me a life together when we only have known each other for a little while and spent most of that time apart?”

“Yes, all of that is true. But when you know, you know.”

My ears prick up. There are those words again.

“I trust my gut feeling completely. From the moment I first laid eyes on you in Sicily, I’ve yearned to be with you. It was as if a puzzle piece slid into place.

“My soul recognized you. I tried to ignore it. But even the few seconds of seeing you from afar were enough to lodge you firmly in my mind, heart, and soul.

“I spent those days in Greece traveling, but I didn’t see anything because you were the only thing on my mind. And then when we met in Switzerland again, it was magnified a hundredfold. This is not a fluke. I’ve not experienced anything like it before.

“You are my twin flame, Ella.”

My head shoots up, my eyes finding his.

“Twin flame?”

“Yes. The other part of me. It’s an instant recognition, an intense sense of coming home.”

My jaw drops, a sense of wonder washing over me.

It’s what I experienced… twice.

“You know it’s true, don’t you?” he asks.

Lost for words, I just nod. My head is swimming with so many sensations and thoughts all at once that nothing makes sense.

Aiden kneels in front of me, taking my mug and placing it onto the ground, before enveloping my hands in his. They’re warm and comforting, and I revel in his touch.

“We belong together. I want us to have a chance.”

The butterflies are assaulting my insides again.

“Aiden…” I close my eyes, feeling the pain of his disappointment even before I’ve spoken the words. Twin flame or not, it doesn’t change my circumstances. If anything, it complicates them further.

“Helping me has put a target on your back. I can’t endanger you further. Tiero will never give up his search for me. We both know that. It’s only a matter of time before he finds me. We were being so careful, and he still tracked me down on that cruise ship.

“I will never be free. Not unless Tiero is dead. And as strange as this might sound to you, I don’t want that.”

Taking a deep breath, I forge on, admitting what, I’m sure, Aiden is well aware of.

“You know, I’m attracted to you. And seeing you wet and semi-naked this morning… I won’t lie, I wanted to climb you like a tree.”

That brings a smile to his handsome face. It’s been far too serious since we started talking.

“But I can’t be selfish right now. My priority has to be this baby and bringing her safely into the world. And then somehow keeping Tiero off our radar. I will do anything in my power to make sure this child is never exposed to the cruelties of his world. Even if that means I’ll have to give up the baby forever.”

“What do you mean by that?” he asks.
