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“Worms?” Dahlia’s nose wrinkled. “They’re fine if they stay in the ground and away from me.”

“Alison?” asked Richard.

“Ah…” She cleared her throat. “They’re very beneficial to soil and nature. I save them whenever I find them on the sidewalk. I hate seeing them surrounded by ants.” She made a face. “What a horrible way to die. Torn apart by hundreds of tiny little bites.”

“You have a soft heart. That’s one of the things I admire most about you.” He had no idea what had gone on in the bathroom between the women, but it was time to try and make up some ground. However, instead of looking at him and giving him one of her smiles that made his heart swell along with his cock she turned to Richard.

“What about you? What do you think about worms?”

“I think they’re fun to watch.” Richard’s eyes sparkled.

“Really? How? On TV or something? Do they have worm houses like ant houses where you can watch them through glass?”

“Yeah, Richard?” He may as well not be the only one uncomfortable. “How do you watch worms?”

“Like she said, but enough about worms,” said Richard. “Let’s talk about men.”

“My favorite topic.” Dahlia’s tone was upbeat but when her eyes met Harker’s she had that I’m so sorry look on her face that he knew too well.

“Have you noticed that Anthony is without a sub again?” asked Richard.

“Already?” Dahlia glanced in the direction that Richard was looking.

“We all knew that wouldn’t last long,” said Harker. “She was just a diversion until he found someone else.”

“Excuse me.” Alison stood, smiling at Richard and Dahlia. “It was a pleasure to meet both of you but I’m tired.”

“Mrs. Harker”—Richard stood taking her hand and kissing her fingers—“it was a pleasure.”

Harker stood, stepping toward her.

“No stay. Have fun.” Her eyes were brittle as she held out her hand. “I just need the key to the room.”

“Nonsense.” There was no way he was letting her go and mull over whatever had happened. He needed to be with her to figure out how much trouble he was in.

“No. Please don’t.” Her voice cracked a little, but he wasn’t sure if she was going to cry or scream at him. “Just give me the key.”

“I’ll escort you.” He took her hand. “Richard. Dahlia. Good night.”

Dahlia stood and hugged Alison and then Harker, whispering. “I’m sorry. I thought she knew.”

That was the only hint he had before Alison pulled her hand from his and walked away.

CHAPTER 57: Alison

Alison walked as fast as she could without running but it made no difference. With his long legs Harker had no trouble keeping up with her. Fortunately, he didn’t say a word. He just trailed behind her. She stopped at the entrance to their suite. The place where everything had turned into a nightmare.

He opened the door and stepped aside, letting her precede him into the room. He closed the door behind him and stood there, still not saying a word. The ass was probably waiting for her to speak first but she’d happily die before talking to him ever again–no matter how much she liked to talk.

She looked around the room. She’d been so nervous when they’d arrived that she had no idea where she’d left her purse. Her gaze stopped near the couch. Her purse was on the floor, partially under the sofa as if kicked aside. She knew exactly how it felt—unwanted, tossed away like trash. She hurried across the room, snatched it from the floor and walked toward the door. No one else may want that purse, but she did and that was enough.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going home.” She choked on a laugh. What was she talking about? She had no home. “Or to my room at your house.” She grabbed the door handle. “But don’t worry. You can stay here and play with your ex-sub. Oh, I’m sorry. That’s right. She’s not interested in you right now because she’s a decent person who doesn’t have sex with married men.”

“Fuck.” His jaw clenched.

“Yeah. Fuck. I know everything.”
