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“Because you'll know it's your baby. I won't.”

“But you should trust me Harker,” she said sweetly, throwing his words back at him.

“I do trust you,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Then remove the monogamy part altogether so it's just you and me and whatever”—she waved her hand between them—“this is.”

“How can I do that when you won't even call it a relationship?”

“Fine. It's a relationship.”

“You don’t mean that.” And the truth of that tore him up. “You still think of this as a business deal. Since that’s the case, then I’d be an idiot to change the contract. You read it. You signed it. It stands as is. Perhaps you should’ve taken my advice and hired a lawyer before you signed it.”

“You’re unbelievable.” She stormed to the door but stopped, turning back toward him. “This isn’t over. You want to play this game, we can play. I’m not one of those subservient idiots you usually date. I like to think for myself.” She walked away, slamming the door behind her.

“And that’s why I picked you to have my baby,” he yelled. “I don’t want a stupid kid.”

CHAPTER 68: Alison

Alison stared at the computer screen, too angry to think straight let alone work. Harker was being a colossal jerk. There was no reason for him to keep that addendum in the contract unless he wanted to have an affair. No, not an affair because none of this was real—not their marriage, not their relationship and not even the way she felt for him. It was all pretend. She just had to convince her heart about that.

Mac strolled into the room, dropping his backpack on the floor by his desk.

“You’re early.” It wasn’t even lunchtime yet.

“Yeah, one of my professors is sick.” His brow wrinkled. “You having a problem with the code?”

She almost said yes. That would’ve been the easy answer except it wouldn’t work with Mac. He’d offer to help. “No.”

“Oh.” He looked at her oddly, as if computer problems were the only ones in the world. At his age, that was probably true. “Then what’s the matter?”

“Personal problems.” Like being married to an ass who she’d fallen in love with but who had permission in writing to cheat on her.

“Oh.” Now, the poor kid looked like he was ready to run from the room. “Is there something…Do you want to talk?”

She did but not with Mac. It wouldn’t be fair to put him in the middle of her and Harker. “No. Thanks any—”

“Great. I mean, not great but…”

“It’s fine.”

He nodded and sat at his deck, pulling out his laptop and hooking it to the system. His fingers flew over the keyboard and he got a focused look on his face. He was gone from this horrible reality and living in code-land.

She envied him. He had nothing to worry about but grades and finishing a project. She’d thought those days were so complicated, but they were nothing compared to her life now. She looked back at her computer, but it was no use. She couldn’t concentrate. She stood, closing her laptop. “I'm going to go home for the day.”

He grunted something, not even looking up from his computer. She headed toward the house. The door to Harker’s office was open. She paused. She’d been hoping he’d left it closed, but whatever. She wasn’t hiding from him. He was the one who was wrong. She walked by.

“Alison,” he said.

She stopped, glancing into his office. “What?”

“Where are you going?”

“I'm done for the day.”

“Are you feeling okay?” He got up, walking toward her.

“I’m fine or I would be if you’d change the contract.”
