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“You think I’d lie to you about that?”

“Right now, I think you’d lie to me about everything.”

“I'm not the one who lied.”

“I didn’t either.” He tried to rein in his temper. “Everything was right there in the contract. You just didn’t understand it.”

“You’re right. I'm stupid because I trusted you. I thought we were friends, but you made it clear that I wasn't your friend. I was your next project. The only reason you kept me around all those nights and weekends was to see if I'd be a good incubator for your seed.”

“That’s not true.” He’d wanted her like he’d never wanted anyone in his life.

“If that's all, I'm going.” She stood.

“Wait. There has to be something I can do besides letting you leave that will make you happy.”

“I’ll never be happy as long as I live with you.”

She was tearing his heart and soul out of him one chunk at a time, but he wasn’t giving up. “There has to be a way for me to fix this.” He walked around his desk and took her hands. They were icy cold, but she didn’t pull away.

She stared at him and then her eyes brightened for a moment. “I know how you can fix this.”

The hardness in her gaze terrified him.

“Sign over your rights to the baby and give me those papers.”

“I can't do that.” He dropped her hands.

“Why? I promise I won’t enforce it. I’d never take your baby from you. I just want the piece of paper for extenuating circumstances.”

“This is not the same thing.”

“It’s exactly the same.”

“No, because I’d never put that clause in the contract now.”

“But you won’t remove it.”

“I’ve offered to remove it as long as you agree to live here until the baby is old enough to stay with me overnight.”

“That’s at least four months longer that I’d have to live with you. There’s no way I’m doing that. Plus, I’m sure you’ve added a ton of special addendums that’ll make me worse off than I am now.”

“I didn’t but even if I had, you have a lawyer who can look it over for you which I suggested you do the first time.” This was not his fault. He’d told her to hire a lawyer.

“You asked me how you can fix it without letting me leave. I’ve told you what I want. A new contract that gives me full custody if I sign and file the papers which I won’t do. You’ll just have to trust me, Harker.” She smiled but it was fake.

“I'm not doing that.”

“Then we have nothing to discuss.” She turned and left.

Harker stared after her. He couldn’t do what she wanted. She was so angry with him right now she’d file the papers and he’d lose everything he’d ever wanted, a family of his own.

CHAPTER 10: Alison

Alison groaned as the alarm on her phone beeped incessantly. She didn’t want to get up. She just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep.

For the last six weeks or so, that’s all she’d wanted to do. She was hurt and angry but instead of her emotions bubbling to an explosion like normal, they’d cooled to a fog of sadness. She felt nothing and wanted nothing. Not food. Not conversation. Not even Angel Face interested her.

She grabbed her phone and turned off that awful sound. She had to go to work. If she didn’t, it’d give Harker an excuse to see her and it was bad enough being near him in the office—hearing his deep voice, seeing him in the meetings and in the hallway. His dark eyes followed her whenever he was near, and it made her want to weep. Her pain, her loss was reflected in his gaze. She sat up. She would not feel bad for him. He’d done this to her. He’d made her believe that she could have more in her life than work.
