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“She's pregnant with his child,” said Ellie. “If she needed space, it would've been before he got her pregnant.”

“Hey, I was just giving you a man’s perspective. He’s probably waiting for you to cool down. If you want to sleep with him, why don’t you move back to the other bedroom?”

“Because I don't want to be anywhere near him.” She glanced at Ellie. “How is he not understanding that?”

“I don’t understand because it makes no sense,” said Adrian. “You moved out of his bed. You even locked the door so he couldn’t sneak into bed with you but now you’re angry because he’s not trying to sleep with you.”

“No. I’m not mad about that.” She was hurt, not angry. “I’m mad about the contract but I don’t like his duplicity. If I weren’t pregnant, he’d be trying harder to sleep with me. He certainly didn’t listen before when I told him to stay away from me. But now that I’m pregnant he suddenly respects my wishes? No. The reason he’s not creeping into my bed is because he doesn’t want me anymore.” Her voice cracked and her eyes filled with tears.

“Wait. You told him you didn't want him anywhere near you,” said Adrian.

“Of course. I don’t want him touching me now that I know he was going to take my baby.”

“Shit.” Adrian ran his hand over his face. “I hate to say this.” He glanced at Ellie and then looked back at Alison. “I should just shut my mouth and not say a word, but I won’t. I like Harker and you’re being unreasonable. You told him you don’t want him to touch you. He’s honoring what you said and now you’re upset about it.”

The two women glared at him.

“Okay.” He held up his hands. “Maybe I'm wrong.”

“You’re definitely wrong,” said Ellie. “She's pregnant with his child. The least he could do is be with her.”

“But she doesn’t want him to be,” argued Adrian. “She told him to leave her alone.”

“But she doesn't mean it,” said Ellie.

“I do mean it,” Alison said softly. Or at least she should mean it and was trying to mean it.

They both looked at her.

“But I want him to try.”

“You want him to try so you can turn him down again,” said Adrian.

“Yes,” said both women at the same time.

“Okay.” Adrian stood. “I’m going to call the guys and go shoot some pool.” He bent and kissed Ellie. “Tell me when it's safe for me to come home because if I stay here any longer, I'll be sleeping on the couch.”

“He sleeps on the couch?” asked Alison.

“When she’s pissed at me for no good reason”—he gave Ellie a sideways look—“I get stuck sleeping on the couch. That's how it works.”

“Then why am I sleeping in the other room instead of Harker?”

“I have no idea.” Adrian grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

“Maybe I should make Harker sleep on the couch. I don't think it’s long enough to be comfortable for him.” She smiled. “Which makes it perfect.”

“Do you think he'll do it?” asked Ellie.

“Why wouldn’t he? I do.” Adrian stopped at the door. “Why do I have to sleep on the couch when you’re mad at me? You’re the one who doesn’t want to be around me. You should sleep on the couch.”

Ellie made a face at Alison and then turned toward Adrian. “Because if I slept on the couch, I’d be much less likely to forgive you as quickly and then it’d be longer before we made up.”

“I’m fine with that,” said Adrian. “Next time we fight you sleep on the couch.”

“Okay, but just so you know, if I sleep on the couch, I’ll be naked.”

“Excellent. I’ll tuck you in,” said Adrian.
