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“I know he didn’t,” she said.

“How? Did you follow him?” asked Ellie.

“No, but monogamy is in our contract and Harker won’t break the contract.”

“So was having sex, right?” asked Adrian “Sounds to me like you broke the contract first.”

“Shit.” Had she? “No. I didn’t refuse him.”

“You may as well have. You laughed and that probably made his balls tuck back into his body for protection,” said Adrian. “But what does it matter if he did go out and get laid? It’s not like you care for the guy.”

He was right. It shouldn’t matter but it did. “It matters because he’s my husband and while we’re married, I expect him to be faithful.”

“Then you better get over those giggles and start putting out. Harker isn’t the kind of guy to go without,” said Adrian.

“How do you know?” asked Alison. “Have the two of you been hanging out or something?”

“Or something,” he said. “When we met at the bar on New Year’s Eve, I didn’t recognize him, but I saw him at the Club a few times after that. He’s a member.”

“What club?” asked Alison.

“Uhm…uh…” Adrian stammered.

“You mean, La Petite Mort Club.” Alison couldn’t believe that grumpy, dry Harker was a member of the premiere sex club in the area.

“Yeah. I never saw him with anyone. He was there having a few drinks and talking but according to my friend Mitch, Harker used to go there a lot a few years ago and he never lacked for company.”

“Did you know this, Ellie?” Her friend was too quiet.

“Adrian mentioned it but that was after you’d already had your mind set on marrying him. Why does it matter? You keep insisting that this marriage is just business.”

“I don’t know but it does.” Her friend should’ve told her.

“Do you like him?” Ellie’s voice was soft.

“Of course, I like him. He’s a nice guy. In an irritating way.”

“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

“No, I don’t like him the way you’re talking about.”

“Then I agree with Adrian. Why do you care if he goes to La Petite Mort Club?”

“Because it’s in the contract that we’re both to remain monogamous until I get pregnant. We agreed. If he breaks one part, he’ll break another, and I don’t want to lose my partnership.” That was all true, but she wasn’t so sure it was the only reason.

CHAPTER 27: Harker

Harker looked up from his laptop at the soft sound of Alison’s footsteps. She stood in the doorway of his private office, looking unsure. He’d never seen her like that. She was always a force of energy and movement but today she was still, her hands clasped in front of her.

Her face was pale, and she had bags under her eyes. Her hair was still damp from her shower. She wore jeans and a baggy T-shirt, not exactly the outfit of fantasies but his dick still hardened. She was meeker right now and he’d love to use this time to make her bend to his will, but he wouldn’t. His pride couldn’t handle another bout of her laughter. He needed to wait until they were at the Club. Then he’d help her explore her kinkier side. He only hoped she had one.

“Are you busy?” she asked.

“Always.” His voice was gruff and by the widening of her eyes she probably thought he was angry not aroused. That suited him perfectly. She didn’t deserve to know how she affected him since she didn’t see him as a man, at least not a fuckable one.

“Oh. Sorry. I thought we could talk. Should talk.”

He leaned back in his chair, watching her ramp up for full-blown Alison chatter.
