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“No.” She stepped closer. “I know you’re a man but…I never thought of…I don’t know. I…I want to do it now though. Isn’t that enough?”

“No.” It was for his dick but not his pride.

“No?” She seemed shocked.

He almost laughed. He should tell Ethan of his victory. He’d made a stand for all men. She wanted sex and he was refusing her. Funny, he didn’t feel victorious.

“But…but we’re married. You want a kid.”

“Maybe later when I work myself up for it.” If she came around his desk, she’d see his lie. He was more than up for it.

“Oh…right…sorry.” She self-consciously touched her hair.

He felt some vindication that she now knew how he’d felt last night–unwanted, undesirable, and unfuckable.

“I…I guess I’m going to go do some work.”

“Good idea.” He refused to feel bad about her hurt feelings when he had his own wounds to lick.

CHAPTER 28: Alison

Alison glanced at the time on her laptop as her stomach growled for about the hundredth time. It was almost ten p.m. She’d spent the entire day hiding in her office and she’d be more than happy to spend the rest of the night there except she was starving. Her stomach grumbled again. “Be quiet. You win.” She closed her laptop and stood. “I have to face the asshole sooner or later. It’s stupid to sit in here and starve.”

She left the office and walked down the long hallway to the private section of Harker’s house. She opened the door, sighing with relief when he wasn’t sitting in the living room, a frown on his stupid face. She quietly made her way to the kitchen, listening for any sound of HIM. She didn’t want to see him again. Ever. She’d wasted enough time feeling sorry for herself because of what he’d said. He was always bossy and arrogant, but he’d never been cruel until today.

She opened the refrigerator and pulled out some of the leftovers from their wedding luncheon. The little bit of food she’d eaten had been delicious. She grabbed two plates and began filling them with a wide array of finger foods. She slid the plate that needed to be warmed into the microwave and put the other one on the table. She grabbed a bottle of water and sat, staring at the empty chairs. She hated eating alone. That’d been the worst thing when she’d had her own apartment.

She’d grown up always eating dinner with her family and even when she’d moved back home, she and her mom ate together whenever they could. The only times they didn’t had been when she’d worked late. She’d been glad when Aunt Tiff had moved in with them. She’d felt guilty for leaving her mother to have dinner alone almost every night while she was working and eating dinner with Harker. Knowing him, he probably hadn’t eaten yet. He always forgot about food when he was working.

The microwave dinged and she stood, grabbing the plate. It smelled delicious. Her stomach rumbled again. He was probably starving too but that was his problem. It wasn’t her job to take care of him, except it kind of was her job. He was her husband, but he’d been mean. She wasn’t the most attractive woman, but he didn’t have to admit that he needed to work himself up to have sex with her.

She put the plate next to the other one and sat at the table. She’d known her marriage wouldn’t be great, but she hadn’t expected it to be like this, although she should have. Harker was rich and attractive in a gruff, bossy way. He was probably used to having sex with models and beautiful women. She had no idea why he wanted to make the baby the old-fashioned way. It made no sense. In vitro would be perfect. Their genes combined and he wouldn’t have to work himself up to have sex with her.

She swallowed the lump of sadness that welled in her throat. He probably hadn’t expected to have difficulties becoming aroused. No man wanted to even think about their little Johnson not rising to the occasion. Now that he knew it was an issue, maybe she could convince him that they should try in vitro. She stood. The best way to convince a man to do anything was to feed him or fuck him. Since the second one was off the table, that left the first. She grabbed another water and the two plates and went to find her husband.

CHAPTER 29: Alison

Since Alison carried the plates and the two bottles of water, she tapped Harker’s office door with her foot.

“What?” he barked.

“It’s me.”

“I know it’s you. We’re the only two here. What I don’t know is what you want.”

For one second, she thought about letting him starve but this was typical Harker. His rudeness had never bothered her before, and it shouldn’t bother her now in their fake marriage. “Open the door.”

“You open it. I’m busy.”

“Do you think I wouldn’t have done that if I could. Stop being a jerk and open the door.” She leaned her head near the thick door. He was grumbling but it was getting closer.

The door flew open. “And why can’t you open…” His words died as his gaze landed on the plates in her hands.

She pushed past him, feeling good for the first time that day. She’d surprised him and there’d been a hint of something else in his dark eyes—gratitude maybe. “I thought you might be hungry. I know you forget to eat when you’re working.” She put the plates and bottles of water on his desk and began moving his laptop and papers aside. “I was starving, and all this food was so good last night.”

“How would you know?” He sat behind his desk. “None of this is alcohol.”

“I ate a little yesterday.” She refused to let him bait her. She needed him in a good mood. In vitro was the answer to all their problems, and she didn’t need his manly pride getting in the way.
