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"Nope, not a single spark," he promised.

"Then I did it."

"You did. Now two more and you can have your tortoise," he reminded me.

I took a deep breath and spent my next ring flying, giving a small celebration when it landed on the same stick as the one before. "Okay, one more. I can do this."

I flung my next ring, only for it to sail past and land on the other side. I eyed the final hoop, half tempted to let Damien use his magic on it. But that's not the point. I want to win the tortoise because I won it, not because he used magic to help me win, whether it's actual cheating or not.

My final ring sailed through the air and landed on one of the spikes. "Yes!"

I did a small jump and turned to find Damien barely controlling his amusement.

"What?" I asked.

"You're one of the most famous goddesses in the world and you're just so excited about winning a ring toss."

I shrugged. "It's fun."

"It's just so human."

"Well I was one once, it's not that weird."

He blinked a couple of times, but didn't answer as the stall holder reappeared. "What prize do you want?" she asked.

"The tortoise, please." I beamed, but she didn't even crack a smile in response.

"Here you go." She lifted it from its perch and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I turned around to show Damien. "Why do you look like you're having difficulty processing something?"

"You used to be human?" he checked.

"Oh, that. Yes. I mean, all gods used to be. I thought it was common knowledge?"

"Maybe to other people," he muttered.

"Oh, right." I put the tortoise in my bag and zipped it so his head was sticking out. "Well, now you know. Human, then immortal, then god, that's how it works."

"I'm not sure that clears anything up," he admitted. "So anyone can become a god?"

I shrugged. "In theory, yes. In practice, it's a bit more complicated than that. Any god can grant immortality, but to become a god you need followers. So you'd probably find it hard to become a god any time soon, but you know that fae singer? Erik-what's-his-name, he'd probably be able to become a god fairly quickly. Oh or Mimi, she's getting big now."

"Huh, I had no idea."

"Hopefully it just makes you realise that I'm a normal person who just happened to become a goddess," I said.

"I don't think you were ever just normal, Aphie."

"I feel pretty normal right now. I like it." I flashed him a smile so I hoped he knew I was telling the truth.

"I'm glad." He put his arm around me, and I felt my nerves settle as I realised this conversation hadn't changed anything.

"I do have a god-related question for you though."

"Fire away."

"Erm, so is Zeus really your father?" he asked.
