Page 32 of Damien

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I know very little about cars, but what I do know is Ferrari and this small town doesn’t mix.

Rich people like to live away from here and closer to the city. The only time I come in contact with them is when they vacation on the Cape in their summer houses.

Their children typically go to Ivy League Colleges, not the local small town one.

He interrupts my thoughts. “And I get the beach house to myself for a whole week.”

If this guy’s family is as rich as he is letting on, then why isn’t he at a better school- a more prestigious one?

Another bleached hair guy in a collared shirt walks over towards his lookalike. “Hey, man!”

He stands up to give the newcomer a handshake. “Oh, hey, Kyle. What are you doing here? I thought you had a date tonight.”

“She flaked.” He glances at me before saying, “We can catch up later. I don’t want to interrupt anything.”

I glare at him and give a small wave as his gaze roams over my body. Thankfully, he takes the hint and walks away, leaving me alone with the lotion guy.

He plops back down on the couch, closer than he was before. “So, Shae, how about it? Do you want to get out of here?”

I need to say or do anything to get him to leave me alone.

“I’d rather go see my boyfriend, but I promised my friend I would stay here with her.”

He looks like he’s going to say something else, but I cut him off. “I’m not a cheater, so I think it’d be best for you to find someone single to hit on.”

He scoffs as he stands. He gives me one last look before shaking his head and walking away.

I grab my phone and type a message to Damien. I reread the message several times before hitting the send button.

My gaze stays locked on my phone’s screen as my heart beats faster and I hope he responds.

After a couple of minutes, he still doesn’t respond and my heart sinks into my stomach.

This seems to be typical of him. He says he will text, but never does.

Is he already regretting what happened in his classroom? Or worse, is he regretting what happened on the Cape?

Why am I constantly questioning myself and our relationship?

I shouldn’t be like this. There should be butterflies fluttering in my stomach and lots of kissing.

And sex too, but Damien and I don’t seem to have a problem connecting there.

Mara’s voice sounds from the hallway. “Shae, what are you doing?”

“Uh, I’m just sitting here.”

What does it look like I’m doing?

She walks over to me. “It’s a party and you are sitting alone.”

“I wasn’t alone a few minutes ago.”

Her eyebrows raise. “Oh, yeah? Was he cute?”

“No. He was definitely not my type.”

“I get it. He’s too young for you.”
