Page 97 of Damien

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Mara copies us and loops her arm through Seth’s. “Let’s not keep the parents waiting.”

It’s no surprise, but Mara’s mom and dad are already standing with my mom and dad.

They smile and wave as their gaze meets ours.

All four of them look at Damien and Seth with questions in their eyes.

While continuing to give the parents a smile, I say, “Did your mom know you started dating Seth?”

Mara speaks through her smile. “Nope. Did your parents know about Damien?”

“Nope.” I swallow before adding, “I guess we have some explaining to do.”

The explanations and introductions go better than I ever could have expected. All the parents love Damien and Seth.

Of course, they were surprised to hear of our relationships on graduation day, but they all can tell we are happy.

Obviously, the guys have good, respectable jobs, so our dads are accepting of them and our relationships.

Everyone is polite and ready to see Mara and me graduate.

Miss perfect blonde teacher walks up to Damien and interrupts his conversation with Seth.

“Can you help us inside? We seem to have messed up the sound.” She turns to Seth and asks, “Can you help line up the graduates?”

“Sure.” They both say before apologizing to our parents.

Our parents wish us good luck as they head inside to find four seats that are grouped together.

Damien grabs my hand as I turn to follow Mara. “I will be waiting for you on the other side.”

His kiss is all too fast, but I know it is time to find my place in line.

Mara and I take our positions in line as Seth helps a few students who seem to have a hard time with the alphabet today.

“I’m so nervous.” Mara whispers as we are led inside the building through a back door.

I nod my head and whisper back. “Mmhmm. Me too. I just hope I don’t trip and fall while walking across the stage.”

Nothing else is said as we make our grand entrance and take our seats. The entire area is full of friends and family supporting the graduates.

Several keynote speakers and faculty sit up on the stage.

Mara takes her phone out and plays a puzzle game as the ceremony drags on.

What feels like hours later, our row stands and makes our way to the edge of the stage, as we are called, one by one, to be congratulated by the dean.

I watch my fellow graduates cross the stage, move their tassels to the other side of their caps, and are officially college graduates.

My legs shake as it is my turn to walk across the stage. I feel like a fawn learning to stand and walk for the first time.

I concentrate on the steps, tackling them one at a time before turning my gaze to the dean.

He shakes my hand and offers me a genuine smile. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” I whisper back as another student's name is called.

That was easier than I imagined.
