Page 100 of Beautiful Ascension

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“We’re so happy to see you awake,” my uncle says as he walks in with my grandfather and a giant stuffed bear hugging two cubs.

I can feel the tears threatening to spill over. “Come sit with me,” I pat my bed, urging my siblings over as I quickly wipe my eyes.

“Not too long,” Dr. Jaffri orders. “Our girl needs her rest.” Then she faces me, “If you can keep your blood pressure down for the next twenty-four hours, I will release you on the condition that you remain on bedrest for two weeks. But we’ll discuss it in more detail after your family visits.”

My grandmother places the bouquet on the table close to the window. “I like her. She has an excellent bedside manner.”

“Dr. Jaffri, it’s the best,” I confirm. “She’s kind but firm and has no problem telling it like it is.”

“You had us so worried,” Grandad states, kissing the top of my head.

Uncle Liam stands on the other side of my bed. “I think it’s time we find better ways to spend time with each other, niece.”

Giggling, I reply, “Yeah, let’s forgo any more exciting moments and keep our time together as most families do. Holidays, birthdays, and family trips.”

He snorts his agreement, and for the next few hours, I enjoy my time with my family without any thoughts of the men who shattered my heart.

Maybe there’s hope for me yet.



Massaging my temple, I try to find the patience to deal with the nurse who’s just trying to do her job, but it’s taking everything in me not to wield the force of the Fraternitas in this hospital. “It’s been two days, and we refuse to wait any longer,” I state, clenching my teeth.

“Sir, this is outside of our con?—”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, or it’ll be the last words you’ll speak as a nurse,” I spit. She has no idea of the tenuous hold I have on my temper. I never want her to find out, but Nurse Gloria is on thin ice. I’m her last hope. This may not be her doing, but she’ll be collateral damage, and I won’t bat an eyelash when she is.

“Mr. Grant, might I remind you that you were given specific instructions to stay away? Haven’t the five of you put Miss Bradford through quite enough?” Nurse Gloria chastises.

Growling, I retort, “Since you know all our information, you should be aware that Samantha Davenport is no longer our anything.”

I can feel her judgment through the phone. “Mmhmm. So, now you’ve gone and broke multiple girls’ hearts.”

“Ariah’s heart is the only heart we care about not being broken,” I snap. Gloria is five seconds from being past tense.

“That sounds great, but that doesn’t change the fact that none of you are permitted to see her. That order is above my pay grade.” She sighs. “Just stay away. I’m sure you can all harass her once she’s home, though I don’t recommend any of you going near that girl again. You all have caused her nothing but heartache.”

My phone buzzes. I pull it out of the front pocket of my gray sweatpants while pretending to still be listening to Nurse Gloria’s eight-year lecture.

Wes: Any luck?

He already knows the answer—we all do. There is no scenario where we would see her.

Me: Negative. We’re not getting in here, and she goes home today. I think we’ll have a better shot then.

Wyatt: We have one more ace up our sleeves.

Me: What did you do?

Wyatt’s text bubble appears, disappears, then reappears. While I await his response, I listen back in, and sure enough, Gloria is still babbling. “Enough,” I command. “This is your last chance to do this in a way that ensures your livelihood. Either you let me, or I’ll?—”

I hear the click and then the dial tone, indicating that the line’s been disconnected, and I see red. Gritting my teeth, I gaze down at the offending receiver to confirm that my ears aren’t deceiving me. Gloria fucking hung up on me.

Pulling out my cell phone, I ignore the incoming text messages and call my uncle. We’ve been playing nice for too long. Two nights ago, we broke ourselves free, and Ariah needs to know why we stayed away. She needs to know we never once stopped fighting our way back to her—that she’s our endgame.

“Bash. How are?—”
