Page 99 of Beautiful Ascension

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“No, stay and watch as I carve the last of you from them, and then maybe you’ll finally recognize your place, you gutter troll,” she sneers. Victory etches across her usually stiff face.

Samantha has been right all along. They used me until they were ready to discard me. My love for them has only been a game. A sharp jolt across my stomach throws me back into the darkness.

The blood in my veins boils to a fever pitch. Eviscerating my existence as I’ve known it, replacing it with one that rivals Wanda Maximoff’s rage for all her sacrifices and Catalaya Restrepo’s thirst for revenge.

Clutching my stomach, streams of tears fall down my face, but someone’s calloused fingers keep wiping them. “Cuidado mariposita, tus alas apenas Han comenzaron a volar,” Fernando whispers, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Thomas, we need Aaron. Ariah needs to go to the hospital.” Hospital? What for?

“When will we have more answers?” I can make out the worry in my father’s voice. Why can’t I wake up? I want to shout, but I’m once again losing the battle with consciousness.

“Let’s get you out of here, Ry,” Dad whispers, carrying me in his arms. He must’ve used the rear exit because the brisk November air brushes across my skin, doing very little to cool my rage. I hear the doors slam shut and feel the seatbelt as someone fastens me in before the car drives off.

“How far away are we? Shouldn’t we call an ambulance?” Reign questions.

I don’t need a hospital, I’m fine. “No,” I protest, ready to tell them I want to go home. “I don’t need—” I begin, but Shay’s crying cuts off my words. Why is she crying? Is Brendan here? Did he do something to her?

The distinct smell of hospital fills my nose as questions swirl between clips.

“Ry, we need to get you to the hospital before something happens to you or the babies,” Shay pleads through hiccups and tears.

My best friend needs me, and I’m unable to help her. Why she doesn’t tell me she can’t take this anymore is beyond me.

“Nineteen-year-old white female, in and out of consciousness, experiencing bleeding and high blood pressure.”

“The twins are fine. Their heartbeats are strong and aren’t showing any signs of distress.” I think I hear Dr. Jaffri explain. “We’re keeping her sedated for the time being. While bleeding and Braxton Hicks can happen during pregnancy, Ariah’s blood pressure continues to be high.”

Whatever they’ve given me works through my bloodstream, pulling me back into sleep.

My eyes fly open at the sound of monitors. Awareness of my surroundings quickly settles in. Something slowly squeezes my arm—a blood pressure cuff. I peer up at the fluids running through the IV on my wrist.

“Good, you’re awake,” Dr. Jaffri says, stepping fully into the room. That’s when I notice that I’m in some sort of suite. My full-size hospital bed can easily fit two people. There’s also a tawny-brown leather couch with two matching recliners and a large flatscreen television. I can’t see where the closet is or how the bathroom looks. I just know this isn’t like any hospital I’ve been to. “Ariah? Did you hear me?”

The look on Dr. Jaffri’s face tells me she’s been calling me for a while. “I’m sorry. What did you say? I was a bit distracted,” I tell her.

“You’ve been having these episodes more often lately, and while some women do experience pregnancy brain. I’d like you to note how often they occur. Your anxiety may also be the cause or help contribute to your lack of focus,” she explains.

I nod in agreement, then ask, “How are my babies?”

“Both are doing very well.” Dr. Jaffri pauses, grabbing a stool and sitting beside me. “I can only imagine what you were feeling last night. The good news is the bleeding wasn’t excessive. Some women experience spotting or even get their period while pregnant.”

“And the cramping?” The pain I felt at the engagement party was on a different level.

Dr. Jaffri offers me a warm smile. “Braxton Hicks. It’s fairly common during pregnancy. However, stress can make them occur more frequently. So, it will be essential that you bring your stress levels down for the next few months.”

Relief floods my body, causing the tension in my shoulders and throbbing in my head to ease. I need my babies to be safe and healthy, and the only way to ensure that is to stay the fuck away from the Fraternitas, the Heirs, and cunt-face Samantha Davenport.

“Whatever you’re thinking about right now, stop it,” she orders. That’s easier said than done.

Taking a deep breath, I try to focus on my babies’ heartbeats and the peace I’ll find now that the Heirs are behind me.

As my heartbeat begins to slow, the door to my hospital room swings open again. This time, it’s Dad, Jamie, Kellan, and Kylan. “Ry,” the twins shout, running for the bed.

“Boys,” Dad warns, rooting Kylan and Kellan to their spots. “Remember what we spoke about before we came?”

They sigh, then lift their puppy dog gaze at me. “We just want to make sure you’re alright.”

Jamie steps between them, grabbing their hands, “You can still do that. We just need to be careful. Not too much excitement.”

“Ariah, dear.” My eyes flick toward the door at the sounds of my grandmother’s voice. She’s carrying a vase of beautiful flowers. White lilies, red magnolias, and purple lewisias are arranged amongst baby’s breath and greenery.
