Page 108 of Beautiful Ascension

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“I’ve got you, boo,” Jamie declares before tackling them and tickling their sides until they give in. Their peals of laughter bounce off the walls. I rest my head on my hand, watching my siblings goof off.

This is what I’m fighting for.



“Your blood pressure is still higher than I’d like, but it has come down. Have you been keeping your stress levels down?” Dr. Jaffri asks, notating my record as I sit on the exam table.

As she continues to input information, I peer around the room, taking in the medical equipment. Over my first few days home, they’ve converted an area of the estate into a home doctor’s office.

I can feel Dr. Jaffri waiting for me to answer. I thought I’d have more time before my next visit. I’ve only been home for four days, and between my argument with Shay, the visits from the guys, and Wes’s journal, I’d say it’s a miracle I’m not back in the hospital.

“Isn’t my appointment next week at your office?” I counter, hoping she doesn’t realize I’m avoiding her question.

Placing her tablet on the counter, Dr. Jaffri levels me with a pointed glare. The type you get when you know you’ve been caught with your hand in the cookie jar before dinner. “Open,” she orders, holding the thermometer probe to my mouth.

My lips part, and I mentally prepare for the lecture I know is coming. “Ariah, you’re an intelligent young woman. So, I know I don’t need to tell you the seriousness of your condition,” she begins, pulling the thermometer from my mouth before disposing of the probe cover.

“You’re carrying twins. Two developing fetuses. That means double the work on your body to ensure you give birth to two healthy babies,” Dr. Jaffri continues, her teal stethoscope in her hand, lifting the headpiece, placing the earpieces in her ears, and holding the chest piece to my back. “Deep breath,” she orders, and I immediately follow instructions again. “Which also means you need to. . .” She moves to another spot on my back, and I inhale. “Take care of yourself.”

Suitably chastised, I say, “I’ll do better. There are a lot of high-stress situations I’m juggling currently.”

“You can’t pour from an empty cup,” Dr. Jaffri cuts in, and I nod my agreement. Her message is received. Loud and clear.

We talk as she continues the exam, explaining what to expect as I prepare to enter my final trimester. We briefly discuss birthing plans.

“I would like to have my babies at the hospital and not the medical facility at the Edgewood Estate,” I declare emphatically. Even though we’re working on our relationship, I refuse to be left in the lurch if they decide they’re done with me again. “I’ll discuss heightening security measures with my father and security team. They’ll coordinate with you and the hospital.”

Dr. Jaffri smiles. “I’ll get in touch with your head of security and get things moving.”

Fifteen minutes later, she makes her final notations before packing her doctor’s bag. As she readies herself to leave, I remember she never actually answered my question earlier.

Rising from the exam table, I straighten my shirt and say, “You never did tell me why you saw me today at home instead of next week in your office.”

With her bag in hand, Dr. Jaffri is at the door when she turns and replies, “Mr. Washington ordered an in-home visit immediately.”

My face scrunches in confusion. “Why would Lev’s father concern himself with my prenatal care?”

“Oh, no, dear, you misunderstood. Levi Washington demanded I see you today,” she clarifies before exiting the room and leaving me with my mouth hanging open.

I stand in shock, staring at the video gaming equipment that was installed in my room while I was at my prenatal appointment, immediately knowing this is also Lev’s doing.

Walking further into the room, I approach the sleek, brand-new jet-black desk, then sit in the midnight blue, purple, and black ergonomic chair with extra lumbar support and some sort of footstool beneath the desk. A lit-up wireless keyboard and mouse, matching the color of the chair, are set in front of the two monitors mounted to the wall. But none of that is why I shoot up from my seat as my eyes well with tears that threaten to spill over. Bookshelves filled with special editions of some of my favorite books stand on both sides of the desk.

I run my hand along the spines, pulling one book after another out to examine the signed copy of each beautifully sprayed-edged hardcover book with foil accents.

It’s at this moment that I’m grateful I’m alone and Lev isn’t here because I certainly would’ve forgotten myself and fucked him senseless, ignoring the fact I’m still upset with him.

Sighing at the reminder of their betrayal, I turn away from the bookshelf, striding toward my bed. It’s only then I see a brand new tablet with a pen. Sitting on my bed, I push a button, lighting the screen. Lev must have put some high-tech shit on it because it unlocks as soon as my face comes into view. Some pre-installed apps appear on the home screen, but I ignore them all once I notice the one for graphic design.

I reach into my pocket, pulling out my phone. It barely rings before his face appears on the screen. “Making appointments and infiltrating my room to have a gaming system installed. Is ordering doctor’s visits and sneaking into a woman’s room to install things a kink, Lev?” I ask, quirking my brow.

Not looking the least bit apologetic, Lev’s heated stare meets mine before replying, “You know exactly what my kinks are, Dove. Should I bring my ropes over to remind you?”

I feel the blush rise up my neck into my cheeks and my traitorous pussy clenching at the thought of his rope against my skin again. The last few times weren’t nearly enough.

Lev’s eyes follow the sweep of my tongue as it glides over my lips. His nostrils flare before the lust in his gaze melts, quickly replaced by his usual stoic mask. “You’ve been under an enormous amount of stress. The kind that, according to my research, can bring on preterm labor. We can’t have that,” he states, and a big part of me wants to push his buttons, riling him up until his composure cracks. I love it when Lev’s carefree. He’s always carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. They all are.

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