Page 118 of Beautiful Ascension

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“Holy fucking shit,” I exclaim as I stare at the laptop in shock. My stomach churns as I click and read through the stories of Senator Matthew Baker’s exploits with underage girls and the depraved things he’s done to them.

“How the fuck have you been able to get away with all this shit?” I mumble, rubbing at the crease on my forehead.

I squeal, my heart feeling as if it’s going to bolt from my chest when a fist pounds on my door. “Ariah, bitch are you in there? You have ten seconds before I break down this door.” Shay’s voice registers as I work to steady my breath.

“Coming,” I shout, logging out and closing my computer before I stand, then head for the door.

“My girl, you didn’t hear me knock or call your name the first three hundred?” she questions, arching her sculpted brow.

Stepping out of her way, I invite her in. “I didn’t hear you until you almost scared me into an early labor.”

Shay cuts her eyes at me. “No sah. Don’t call down dem deh crosses down pon mi.”

I smirk, proud I understood what she said. “I didn’t hear you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s cool,” Shay retorts, studying me. “By the looks of your shorts and tank, you forgot we’re supposed to go shopping today.”

“Shit, I thought that wasn’t until this afternoon.”

“Ry, it’s two o’clock,” she states, peering around me and looking at my desk. “What were you doing in here?”

Not wanting to lie, I opt for a version of truth. “I was just surfing the web and lost track of time.”

She surveys me as if she can smell that there’s more to the story. “You sure that’s all? You look Casper-pale, like you were caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie jar.”

If only she knew. “Promise. Why don’t we shop online instead? I don’t feel like walking around anyone’s mall with these two Irish Step Dancing on my bladder.”

She snorts. “Remind me of all this when I tell you I want kids in the future.”

“You dork. Go sit down. I’ll grab my laptop, and then we can start,” I laugh, glad when she strides for my bed, successfully distracted.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sigh before heading for my desk. Once I have my computer, I glance over my shoulder, watching Shay as she busies herself on her phone.

I hate being unable to confide in her, but with her confession last week, I refuse to jeopardize her or her family. Steadfast in my resolve, I shake off any doubts. This is how I protect the people I love.

“What the hell do you mean Shay and I have to move in with the guys?” I splutter, gripping the table’s edge as I stare at my father, grandfather, and uncle.

After Shay left, Dad called me down to his office. That was twenty-five minutes ago. The conversation started with security protocols for next week when I return to school. I thought the meeting was coming to an end until the guys strolled in with Reign, Elias, and Fernando close behind. That’s about the time he dropped this nugget in my lap.

“You know this is for the best. We need you protected at all times,” Granddad explains, and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes. To say I’m over all the men in my life unilaterally making decisions for me is the understatement of five millennia.

Standing, I slap my palms against the table and glare. “Moving in with them for my protection isn’t the problem here. It’s everyone’s inability to speak to me,” I shout, jabbing my index finger against my chest before continuing. “About decisions pertaining to my damn life.”

“Told you so.” I hear Wyatt murmur.

“Shut up, asshole,” Wes stage whispers.

My gaze travels over the guys as they sit on both sides of me in time to see Sebastian elbow Wyatt.

“Ow. Your elbow is sharp, fucker. We told them this wouldn’t go well if they did it this way. It’s not my fault they didn’t listen,” Wyatt grumbles, rubbing the spot.

I shake my head, hiding my smile before returning my attention across the table. My father’s gray eyes soften. “We only want to keep you safe, but you’re right, Ry. We should’ve come to you to discuss things first. So, for that, I’m sorry.”

Feeling somewhat vindicated, I sit back down. “Look, I know everyone in this room is looking out for my safety, and I appreciate you all for it, but you all need to remember to include me,” I command, leveling every person in this room with a look that better put the fear of my wrath in them. “Now, what are these plans?” I inquire. Then, for the next hour, we discuss the move.

“Does everyone understand their roles?” Uncle Liam asks.

“As long as they know we’re in charge, we’ll have no issues,” Reign declares, and I smack my forehead. This will go downhill in three. . . two. . .

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