Page 119 of Beautiful Ascension

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“Listen, dickhead. I’ve had about enough of all of your bullshit,” Wes growls. “She’s ours to protect, which is the only reason you’re allowed within one centimeter of her.”

My count might have been off, but I’m not wrong about the dick-measuring contest taking place in this room. Fucking men!

“If you’re too dense to see that we’ve only ever seen Ariah as a sister, then it’s good we’re the ones making the calls regarding her security,” Fernando adds.

Closing my eyes, I pray to whatever divine entity is listening that they’ll spare me all of this bullshit.

“Enough,” Uncle Liam barks. “None of you are fucking in charge of anything. Thomas makes the security calls. Now all of you zip your damn mouths closed. The adults are talking.”

I knew someone up there loved me. Unable to hide my amusement, I burst into laughter, cackling until my sides begin to hurt, and I swear I pee a little.

“Good. I’m glad everyone’s finally on the same page—moving day is tomorrow, gentlemen. We’ll see you in the morning and not a moment sooner,” my grandfather states, dismissing everyone but Dad, Uncle Liam, and me.

I stand to exit the room behind them. “Not you, Ry. We need to discuss a few items with you,” my father says.

Nodding, I wait until they file out, and the door snicks closed before I speak, “Is everything okay?”

“Yes. We need to update you on a few things,” Uncle Liam answers.

“Okay,” I offer, hoping they’ll spit it out. Dad comes around the table, and my heart rate kicks up. “You’re scaring me. Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?”

Sitting, my father clasps my hand. “Once we’ve gotten rid of Senator Baker and whoever else he’s working with, I’m going to take my seat as the head of the Council so that I can change the rules barring women from the Fraternitas.”

My eyes widen in shock. “Really?”

“Yes,” he replies. “It’s been long overdue. There’s no good reason the Fraternitas should only be open to men.”

I beam with excitement. Maybe I won’t have to go with the nuclear option after all.



“Make sure you don’t scratch that,” I order, pointing at the men climbing the stairs carrying Ariah’s dresser before turning to watch the parade of movers coming through the door.

I can’t begin to express the calm that has fallen over me knowing that Ariah’s here. The collective sigh of relief we all had was palpable.

“Shit.” I hear one of the men mutter at the same time another shouts, “Watch where you’re going, Bobby.”

Spinning, I watch as Bobby nearly drops the very item I told him not to. “What the fuck does it look like I’m doing, Frankie, twiddling my thumbs by the water cooler?”

The two idiots continue to argue, holding up the line.

“Hey,” I bark, garnering their attention. “Quit bickering and get fucking moving.”

They grunt their understanding and proceed upstairs, where Wyatt and Owen are overseeing things. They’ll do their jobs if they know what’s good for them.

I make a mental note to check with Lev about which company Ariah’s father hired. He’s in the security room with Thomas and the other three shits going over the tech he’s installed.

My teeth clench at the reminder of the three stooges that are always one word away from being minced meat. While Reign, Fernando, and Elias aren’t our favorites, they keep her safe. A task that should be easier now that we’re under one roof. So, for now, they stay.

I moved in last week. Wherever Ariah is, I will always be. The time apart from her was worse than I could ever imagine. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. And while it did, it’s not a lesson I endeavor to revisit.

A few more movers enter the house with boxes as I follow the sound of Shay’s voice.

“All your men under one roof. The amount of dick you’re about to be riding!”

Oh, this is a conversation I’m happy to be overhearing.
